The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

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I mean itā€™s logistically impossible. The moral arguments are obvious, but they donā€™t matter because you canā€™t actually do it.

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Just go full WWE and have The Rock drop a Peopleā€™s Elbow (damn fitting name if elected) on Trump when he wins.

$100,000 a year salary and a vacation house do not belong in the same sentence.

Poll needs the correct option [hangs up phone].


It seems like some republicans are coming around to the idea that you canā€™t keep shitting in peopleā€™s mouths and telling them itā€™s ice cream forever. It was a great 40-year run though.


2 Republicans, 1 cup


There isnā€™t a shred of evidence ā€œillegalā€ immigrants take jobs that Americans want. It pure fantasyland GOP racism. Mitt is just being a bog standard republican racist. Canā€™t propose a good thing unless itā€™s wrapped in a steaming maggot invested ball of racism as this is the only food his base will eat.


Some have said that mitt isnā€™t a bad guy and he had to say that makers and takers comment to the donors to appeal to them.

But the self deportation of immigrants seems to be a legitimate belief.

I donā€™t think his child credit policy, which is legitimately good, has any xenophobic nonsense attached. The Cotton thing is disgraceful and wholly performative. Mitt seems to have genuinely awful views on immigration but it could just be stupidity instead of racism.

This needs a little context. 100k salary in the small town I grew up in is nice house in town and a nice cabin up north.

Granted it takes two incomes in that town except for a few professional jobs.

But itā€™s not uncommon either.

Where I live now? Only if you have the Philly standard hand me down house and family inherited shore house you share with your two siblings families.

DISCLAIMER: I have no idea how legit this guy is:

Zero chance but I hope I eat my words.

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My favorite Resistance grifter remains the TrueFactsStated guy who had a literal Scooby Doo van and would show up outside courthouses where Mueller stuff was happening. I also enjoy that his Twitter handle as ā€œTrueFactsStatedā€ as if there are facts that can be untrue.

My second favorite is probably Eric Garland who had photoshopped like James Comey and Robert Mueller into a picture of The Avengers

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is that also bush and obama?

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After nearly 50 years of government service, I think he certainly deserve to get it.


Another great example of the asymmetric battle weā€™re fighting. 90% of dems/libs/left/whatever know Louise Mensch is FOS. Also Seth Abramson, Kurt Eichenwald, Shaun King and some others.

Meanwhile absolute no one on the right polices stuff like this. You have Probosiec, Andy Ngo, Laura Loomer, GWP, etc. - like a million more of them, all peddling straight up propaganda BS - and even the relatively high info RWers on chiefsplanet or 22 still breathlessly quote them if it serves their argument. They. Just. Donā€™t. Care.

Chiefsplanet now has a thread calling Biden a liar for some relatively minor stuff. Just zero shame.


Complete sociopath

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