The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The entire plan, with means testing, is easily found with 30 seconds googling.

You should tell Biden that.

As I understand it, the idea behind student loan forgiveness was that it was a way to do stimulus by executive order without congressional approval, but that it was nowhere near the most efficient method and it wouldn’t help many of those who are most in need. It assumed that Republicans would still have control of the Senate. The Georgia run-offs changed the political calculus and now the priority is on getting stimulus done through regular channels that involve cooperation between the executive and the legislature.

I don’t think Biden wants to govern through executive orders if he can avoid it. His instinct is to use EOs to do more temporary things and give Congress time to do the work it is supposed to do, but I also think he’s not going to wait until Democrats lose their majority in the 2022 midterms to shift gears to more aggressive use of executive orders.

In fairness, giving $2k to everyone is more expensive than giving $50k to the tiny group that have that much student debt.

I don’t know what this is, but I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.



Joe 62% approval. Trump 41% Feb 2017.

That’s +50% Joe

lol what the fuck

From 6 months ago:


They have be trolling or it’s just manchin or some shit. No way they do that

Any takers?

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glad to see the Mitt image rehab is a thing of the past. who cares about legacy when you can put your name next to Herr Cotton to carve out special cruelties for brown people, amirite?

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Working hard, thank you!


Republicans would filibuster this, duh

And the other 2% post on UP.


Yes, already illegal. My guess (w/o reading any proposed legislative language) is that it probably does some combination of (1) more funding for enforcement (2) increases the potential penalties and/or (3) increases the affirmative steps that employers have to take to verify employment eligibility before they hire someone.

This pole could be a good resource for those who want to use the ignore button liberally.

I can’t see who voted for what either so I think you made it private

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You have to click a button to make the votes public when you are creating the poll

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This is one of those spots where you and I are going to have a much better idea of how big an upheaval it would be. The entire food system would collapse immediately and never recover. It takes too long to train a skilled farmhand and we simply couldn’t get enough.