The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Earmarks that get shit done in WV and help Manchin get re-elected are the same type of earmark that gets shit done in KY and gets Mitch re-elected. It seems to me that it would kind of even out. But I’m sure there is more to it. What am I missing there?

I guess it’s a value judgment. If getting a bridge built in KY means Mitch gets re-elected, but it also gets us true health care reform or a progressive immigration or climate bill, is that acceptable to you?

Smart politics means finding ways to spin it to “see what the democratic senate did for you” in the case of KY, and “see what Manchin did for you” in the case of WV.

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Also, don’t offer shit to Mitch. Offer it to Romney or Murkowski or other Rs that can be convinced to not be as terrible.

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Mitch doesn’t do fucking shit in Kentucky. He pretends to once every 4 years, then completely fucks over the state after that.

Infrastructure + other good policy = we all happy.

Just curious about your perspective. I get that earmarks can be used as talking points to sway voters. That’s a positive for sure. However, because the GOP can do so as well, I’m trying to better understand how earmarks lead to better outcomes beyond potential voter persuasion.

I’ll plead ignorance. If someone asked me: what is the most impactful legislation that was passed in our life time due to securing legislators’ votes with earmarks? I wouldn’t know the answer. What would be a good example to use in conversations with people about this topic?


If you’re trying to sway opinion, pointing out specific legislation doesn’t work as well as you think it does. Instead, earmarks hearken back to a time when there was less polarization and more working together to get things done. People love that shit. Sure, it’s nebulous and ultimately pointless, but look how well “bipartisanship” sells to the masses. Earmarks were ended due to corruption, but the new proposal backed by Schumer and DeRosa provide earmarks for public and non-profit entities only, rather than corporations.

Most local infrastructure projects that were approved/completed before 2011 were probably the result of earmarks. Local and state governments got tiny little carveouts in the appropriations bills, then used that federal money to help build power plants or repair roads, or whatever.

If you want an idea of how earmarks could help sway both senate votes AND opinions, go watch the recent confirmation hearings for both Buttigieg and Granholm (DoT and DoE). You’ll hear each senator ask if the nominee will help them with their local pet projects. Now, imagine if we could get their votes on a climate bill just by saying, yes, we’ll carve out 15M for state route 37 or rebuilding damaged train tracks or whatever.

I think the more fundamental idea we’re talking about here is the actual function of a representative/Senator in our system. I feel like we’ve moved away from the idea that we elect people who represent our districts/states and more toward trying to force our districts/states to agree with the person we elect. Earmarks get back to the former.


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Well, that’s just good politics from Biden serving his actual constituents. Look how he gives two objections rather than one, like a true statesman!

He tells the marks that voted for him that debt cancellation is only possible if 1) we don’t make the debt relief universal, and then 2) fabricates a false dilemma that the choice is between debt cancellation vs childhood education, rather than debt cancellation vs tax cuts for the wealthy.

What a con man, 78 years young and still slanging BS talking points like a champ. He’s too smart to not be in on it.


Honestly I think 50k would have created a ton of resentment from people you need to win over in 2022, and wins you no votes. All those people are voting democrat already.

It’s the right thing to do morally, but with democracy on the line here I’m not sure it’s the right move politically.

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Is democracy going to be on the line every two years for the rest of time? Because that is gonna get pretty exhausting.

I think “we’ve got to keep voting for this old white asshole who we all hate and who has expressly promised to do nothing that we want because otherwise democracy is over.” will pall quite quickly. What’s the point of democracy if you’re forced to keep voting for Joe Bidens forever in order to save it?


The problem with the bridge is that we’re now allowing East Bumfuckers to escape from captivity. We need to contain them and let them sort things out Lord of the Flies style.

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Your alternative to democracy is…?

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Shoot a kid an hour until things sort themselves out.


No wait that’s for paper jams.


This last statement is a common assumption but I don’t think it’s true. Young people in this country just don’t vote that often. There are a TON of young people struggling with student debt that didn’t vote for Biden [citation needed]. This is an easy opportunity to both do the right thing and to reach out to those people. The elimination of their student debt would legit be the first thing any politician has done to meaningfully help that generation, which would absolutely be worth some votes.

The resentment issue, maybe, but obviously a student debt forgiveness program doesn’t have to he the only thing Biden does. He has many other opportunities to support those who are struggling but don’t have student debt. (Obviously he won’t do any of those things, just like he won’t do student debt forgiveness, but since we’re pretending here we might as well go all the way.)

If there is one thing nobody can accuse Joe Biden of inconsistency on, it is uncompromising support for creditors.


Good to see we are less than a month in and Biden is already trotting out the EDems trump card to progress, BUT HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR IT.

He literally just won an election promising to cancel some student debt and it took him less than a month to openly say that isn’t happening. Eagerly awaiting all the forum Biden stans to chime in how this is GOOD POLITICS and JUST BE PATIENT IT’S ONLY BEEN THREE WEEKS.

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As far as I know he still supports the $10k elimination.