The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Before I read, is this posted for the lolz at how stupid it is, or is it an actual decent idea?

Seems like an ok article to me, basically Dems should just change the rules.

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Just saw Biden board the helicopter. Wow he has a serious old man walk. I have never noticed it before.

Well, heā€™s a serious old man.


He did break a foot a while ago. Not sure if thatā€™s related.


he just broke his foot or something right?

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I didnā€™t know that. Not sure how I missed that.

Dude has outlived all my grandparents by like 10 years already.

The annual death rate for 78 year old men in the USA is 4.7%.

Iā€™ll snap take Biden over Trump in a last longer

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Condolences Dr. Biden


Maybe he should just tell the judge he has a vacation planned and they will let him out.

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I just saw that Andy Slavitt, one of our COVID doomscrolling content providers over the last year, now holds the title ā€œWhite House COVID Advisorā€.

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As a PSA, CNN is having a Town Hall style Q&A with Biden tonight. Not sure if thereā€™s a set topic or agenda.

Dammit, Riverman. You know both never to say such a thing and that evil people are immortal.


If my back of the envelope math is correct heā€™s about 18% to die before his term is up. I assumed a slight increase in his mortality rate every year.

If someone was giving me those odds, Iā€™d bet on him living. I think heā€™s better than that because he seems healthier than average and has access to the best health care there is. Iā€™d ballpark his risk of death at somewhere between 3-5% for the entire term.

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The Biden administration on Tuesday rejected a last-minute agreement reached by Trump loyalists that would have limited its ability to enact sweeping policy changes.

The agreement would have handed policy controls to the pro-Trump union representing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, prompting a whistle-blower to accuse a departing homeland security official, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II, of ā€œgross mismanagement, gross waste of government funds and abuse of authority.ā€

Mr. Cuccinelli signed the agreement, which included a clause requiring homeland security leaders to obtain ā€œprior affirmative consentā€ in writing from the union on changes to policies affecting immigration agencies, essentially to tie Mr. Bidenā€™s hands, according to the anonymous whistle-blower complaint.

Under a federal law, the Department of Homeland Security has 30 days to cancel such an agreement once signed, after which it goes into effect.

Imagine a non-incompetemt admin could have done this in November, or even December lol they only need 30 days


They would just build the bunkers and a computer would choose people to go there based on youth, health, sexual fertility, intelligence and a cross-section of necessary skills.

Earmarks are how shit gets done.

Getting rid of them was one of those things that looks good on paper, but in practice falls flat and ends up hurting more than helping. Itā€™s also how local projects that no one on twitter or MSNBC cares about actually get federal help to get done. Like, you or I donā€™t give a shit about building a new bridge across the Podunk river in East Bumfuck, WV, but the residents of that county in WV do. And if Joe Manchin can say he got it done, he has a better chance of getting re-elected, even if East Bumfuck County votes R+27 in the presidential election.

I get it, itā€™s fun for us to dream big dreams about passing sweeping reform to health care, immigration, climate, etc. You want it to actually pass? This is how we do it. Sorry if it ā€œseemsā€ slimy, but East Bumfuck, WV doesnā€™t care about high-minded political morality. They care that they finally got a new bridge that means they can commute to Morgantown or Charleston easier.


Well if Biden is competent, heā€™ll something like the opposite of this (to the extent possible) a lot more than 30 days before he leaves.