The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I suppose I’ll watch this thing later, but the major disease outbreaks that have caused real serious problems aren’t secondary to wetland destruction. They are largely related to unsanitary treatment of various animals for consumption. MERS, flu, SARS, covid, and many more throughout human history fall into this category.

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Yeah, how animals are farmed has more to do it, imo and that is covered as well.

The wetland argument is basically when you destroy those natural habitats, you increase interactions between humans and non-human disease vectors. The more of those interactions you have the more your chance of a serious outbreak goes up. How much it goes up is debatable, but it would be hard to argue that it is non-zero.

The main problem with wetlands and epidemics are tropical diseases: Malaria, Dengue. West Nile even makes into local news somehow during COVID.

I can’t figure out what video you guys are talking about that connects wetlands to covid? I spend much of my professional time working on wetlands. I’m curious to read it.

People should probably watch this before commenting too much on it.

Sounds good man I put him on ignore so I don’t have to listen to him harass me for complaining too much and never organizing the website. It was seriously amazing posting when he started responding to my venting with process complaints and little one off comments about how I posting isn’t praxis and how I should spend more time organizing Unstuck

Let the bribery begin

Cool, politics is a tough sport and I can see where your coming from and hope you succeed in changing minds from exceptence of a structure that just should not be which is white supremacy and I believe StimAbuser is 100% with you on that regard and has had to live with the consequences that’s what I was trying to say here and your attitude towards him wasn’t nice to see from my point of view.

I also see myself in your outbursts and maybe I’m just trying to not see myself so often itt, I know I’ve had to stop it irl the last few months because it just ain’t working for me but maybe you’ll have a better chance here, sometimes it just better not to say what we really think or write on a message board, but hey I’ll not interrupt again Bakes as I do see you as a decent peoron with far more knowledge than me.

Peace :v:


If you’re worried about Ds playing hardball, part of the reason earmarks exist is they are good politics.

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Got a chance to watch the video. The map over time they show isn’t wetland loss, it’s all anthropogenic changes to the landscape, one part of which is wetlands. They don’t really draw a line between wetlands and covid and some research I did doesn’t turn one up. The line is between overall habitat loss and increased animal human interactions.

Wetland loss is very significant for other reasons though, especially around flood mitigation. This will become a huge issue with climate change.

Yeah, that’s it.

The wetland is one habitat that is being lost.

In my post I actually didnt link those two things together. I only wanted to say that I find it quite sad how much we changed/destroyed over time. Its just when I watch documentaries like “Our Planet” I cant fathom the thought that the majority(or billons of people) is so blind in their actions. But hey lets fly to Mars because its so beautiful there. Oh wait.


Pandemics are as predictable as earthquakes, tsunamis, space rocks…

They are going to happen. We may even have some knowledge of where and how long between events is typical, if conditions are ripe, etc. but any kind of specific prediction is usually bullshit^.

The next pandemic could hit in 2025 or 2125. We can probably be certain it won’t be say as long as say 2325 unless medical knowledge becomes to advanced to short circuit pandemics.

Are we making them more likely? Seems like we are, as we have been moving in one direction throughout time (land use, population growth) with some interventions of sanitation, mosquito control, and antibiotics.

^astronomy advances are making it more likely we will see the next deep impact and President Freeman will tell us when we will all die.

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31 posts were split to a new topic: More Forum Drama

Also, just as a site wide FYI, Joe Biden has been the Dem nominee since like April. He has been the presidential nominee since November. During that time he hired a long list of disgusting humans to work for him in anticipation of becoming president in January.

He does not get to say “hey it’s only been 3 weeks” when it comes to things he campaigned on that can be done by executive order. The orders could have been written in July.


I like tacos.


I have this weird fascination with what our government would do in this situation? Would they tell us? Like if it was one that wasn’t a planet ender, but would kill a couple billion but could be survived in underground bunkers for a certain amount of time. Do they just build them and keep quite until civilian scopes pick up on it?

Imagine if they did tell us, the chaos ensues, then somehow they were wrong and it ends up missing lol. What do they come back up to? Can they even regain control?

Deep Impact and Armageddon came out about the same time. I love one and hate the other.

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