The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Worked in America up to 2008. Now it’s just asshole.

He does.

However, even eDem extraordinaire Chuck Schumer is behind forgiving 50K.

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As far as I can tell Biden’s position on loans in that clip is exactly what it was on October 7th last year.

The difference seems to be misleading headline writing in both cases. Back then it was “Biden Affirms: I will Eliminate Student Debt.” Now it’s “New - Biden completely rejects Schumer/Warren proposal to cancel $50K of student loan debt per borrower.” He wasn’t promising to eliminate debt and this is not new.

(Assuming he didn’t change his mind in between, I can’t say I follow his positions very closely.)


Im in. Inject the Rock v Trump debates with Rock calling him a candy ass jabroni straight into my veins please.


He could have canceled 10k a month ago


I’m down just to watch fascists melt down over a multi-ethnic crying heart liberal ruin their idea of a perfect country.

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There are certainly worse policies than a blanket $50k student debt forgiveness, but it’s hard to imagine one more comprehensively absurd. It’s hard for me to oppose it, because I stand to gain so very, very, very much from it, but it’s preposterous. Especially when you have the much-less-regressive $10k option under active consideration!

Student loans are not in my top 10 of things that need to get done. My frustration on this issue is it is one area he could probably fulfill a campaign promise unilaterally. So why isn’t he doing it? He already signed one EO on student loan payments. So it isn’t like he thinks he can’t write EOs that affect student loans.

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I think it’s because the $10k is one small piece of his larger proposal that includes free college, changes to pal grants, etc. That has to go through Congress. All he did via EO was extend payment pause I think.

Nah just until we can get new voting rights and states. After that we will have some breathing room. As for now if we don’t get those things the insane people on the other side are creating laws that will make it impossible for us to win in a LOT of the states we have to win in.

canceling 50k in student debt isn’t some super popular policy like M4A This poll says it’s a little under 50% and considering we have to win by 7 million votes now…

Obviously he should have canceled 10k or whatever he plans on doing long ago.

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Maybe he thinks that acting unilaterally too much harms his ability to accomplish goals that can’t be done unilaterally. Someone like Manchin probably thinks that forgiven student loans should be subtracted from the $1.9 trillion to keep the overall stimulus price tag the same, so it would make sense to hold off on loan forgiveness until a COVID bill is passed, while keeping it in his back pocket that he can go larger if no bill is passed.

Unfortunately this is probably correct.

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Uh oh spgaghetio student debt ain’t gonna go.

Not sure I understand Biden’s stance on this at all. Is he implying only elite colleges are worth the money spent on them? Does he believe no non rich people go to elite universities?

Providing money to childhood education is important but literally has nothing to do with college tuition at all.

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Also: Does he believe that non-elite colleges aren’t also expensive as fuck?

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His motto is “Neither a borrower or a lender be, unless you are a lender because that is bad ass.”


He is proposing state colleges be free.


I think his plan also has student loans forgiven entirely if you went to a state school?

He also said something about not forgiving loans for “elite” schools, whatever that means.

Biden seems reflexively very eager to alienate young working professionals that overwhelmingly voted for him.