The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Average daily population of imprisoned immigrants is something like 40k, but last I saw the unaccompanied children in cages was something less than 700.


See my last post. Almost everyone can agree about the 700 or so unaccompanied minors in detention, but there are a lot of other people and even grown men and women are people too and should not be in prison primarily for trying to do something to support themselves and their families.

The most recent data I can find is we had 76,000 kids in cages in 2019. 850,000 total people were apprehended and caged that year.

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Didnā€™t Obama let most of them out with ankle bracelets and a promise to show up to a court date?

I donā€™t see why Biden canā€™t do that. Though that would take time.

Yeah, that should be happening, except I really donā€™t think Obama was putting a significant number of people in ankle bracelets. They were just given instructions to appear, and the vast vast majority would appear.

It still sucks though, but at least that should be happening asap.

eta: some ankle bracelets. Canā€™t find what percentage/how many.


Thatā€™s the elephant in the room that I donā€™t have an answer for.

The truth is that a lot of people in this country are just horrible human beings. 74 million people just voted for Donald Trump to be re-elected. And a not insignificant fraction of the 81 million people who voted for Biden are super fucking racist too and are perfectly happy keeping all the Mexicans out.


I know Iā€™m an extremist here, but someone who lives in Iowa and thinks itā€™s any of their goddamn business whether someone else moves from Tijuana to San Diego is upsetting to me.


If getting dragged in public affects how you vote, maybe your convictions arenā€™t that strong.

Maybe it makes him not vote for him even harder.

It goes with the territory. Whining about getting pushback from the people you criticize just strikes me as weak.

90%+ of Democrats probably already think Biden is a top 10% president of all time lol. Waaf

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Maybe not top 10%, but itā€™s not crazy to think Biden can be a top ten president of all time, when you consider that historiansā€™ ranking of presidents tend to have guys like Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan just in or just out of their top ten rankings.

The US got lucky to have some very great presidents among the first five to establish the country. Itā€™s since had a lot of mediocre and bad presidents, to the point where guys like Grover Cleveland and Jimmy Carter are ranked close to the median.

Jimmy Carter has been the best President of my lifetime and Iā€™m old. Heā€™s way above median.

eta: The ā€œmalaiseā€ that he was blamed for was him saving the US from economic catastrophe with it being obvious that there would be a political cost.

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Since I was an infant at his inauguration, I only lived through his administration on a technicality and canā€™t say anything about the spirit of the times.

How justified did Ted Kennedyā€™s 1980 primary challenge feel at the time and what lessons do you think it has for anyone who might seek to challenge Biden from the left in 2024?

I wasnā€™t an infant, but I was 12 or 13 and had no feeling for the primary at the time. But in hindsight it is interesting. Carter was not a leftist by any means. Jerry Brown came in late in 1976 partly because of the unacceptability of Carter and then Ted did because he was unacceptable in 1980. It was much more that he wasnā€™t part of the Dem insiders than his left or right-ness. He brought a lot of people from Georgia into his administration.

Similarly, the DemE has hated Bernie much more because heā€™s not a real Democrat and has eschewed a lot of the party than because he supports $15/hr or M4A imo.

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Rick Perlstein described the Carter presidency in Reaganland in unfavorable terms. He was a proponent of austerity politics and distrusted ā€œRoosevelt Democratsā€ like Kennedy. He basically set up the dynamic of Democrats being Republican lite.

From his state of the union in 1978.

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Like I said, hardly a leftist, but who does Rick Perlstein like in my lifetime?

LBJ was POTUS when I was bornā€¦but I still take Carter over him because of Vietnam if nothing else.

As a 12-to-13-year-old, did you hear a lot of Chappaquiddick mentions at the time?

I donā€™t remember.

Probably not the right thread but can you help me create a list of Democratic politicians that have been held accountable for poor actions in ways that Republicans would never be? Off the top of my head I have Sen Franken and the woman from CA who I think resigned last year. I know there are more but Iā€™m drawing a blank as my brain is fried roght now. Need to dunk on a deplorable though so help me out.