The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Biden is exceeding all my expectations so far.

While I think the left wing criticism of him is largely unfounded, it’s also the case that their activism and salience has contributed to his pronounced shift to the left.


Article I, section 2

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

Would you say that largely unfounded criticism pushes Biden further to the left than sticking to wholly founded criticism?

Well the key part is “when elected”. And IIRC, I’m not sure there is a minimum on that. For example HRC barely lived in NY prior to her becoming a senator there. They could move back to their home state the week before election day every 2 or 6 yrs. Problem solved.

Like what?

Like “magically undo every Trump policy we don’t like yesterday?”

There is a small minority of Democrats that will shit on elected democrats literally no matter what. And while that’s incredibly stupid intellectually it’s highly effective politically.

This is correct. Republicans made a pretty big stink last year when Chris Murphy sold his house and didn’t have a CT address for over a year while his wife and two young kids <5 years old lived in DC with him. They used his wife’s parents house as a mailing address and to go on weekends when coming back. It was deemed okay since he had residence here when he was elected. He recently bought a house in Hartford though.

A lot of the “Biden = Trump” chuffing was idiotic, but there are certainly tons of valid criticisms from the left.

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Josh Hawley doesn’t live in MO and didn’t when he ran, nobody GAF

So you’re one of the people who thinks it’s ok he hasn’t undone some of Trumps executive orders on immigration that are currently causing a massive amount of suffering?

I completely agree Biden is exceeding my expectations so far as well but " left wing criticisms are largely unfounded " is incredibly laughable.

It’s pretty clear Biden and his team, like Obama, think it’s important to appear super tough on immigration and criticisms of that aren’t " largely unfounded " they’re dead on.

People aren’t criticizing him no matter what, they’re criticizing him because he is failing on immigration. But yeah I guess being upset about the suffering of immigrants and wanting Biden to do better makes you incredibly stupid intellectually.

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It has been 3 weeks. Calm down.

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This, but the annoying thing is sooner or later it’s going to be 2022, and sooner or later it may need to be reiterated that regardless of the utterly predictable Democratic failures of the next 2 years, it’s still lol obvious that we want to keep the House and hold/expand on Senate. And sooner or later it will be 2024, and maybe somebody will primary Biden from the left, and when that effort almost certainly fails, it will still be lol obvious that we want Biden to win in 2024. And it will basically never end, because the country is both structurally and by the happenstance of where it is in its history, rigged against robust leftist politics taking hold.


Tell that to the immigrants suffering. I understand shit takes time but legit all he has to do is undo Trumps horrible executive orders. That could and should have been day one stuff.


I’ll be completely honest and admit I don’t know much about this specific issue. I find it unlikely Biden is failing to act on slam dunk executive orders to stop atrocities but will happily take the loss if contradictory evidence is provided.

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Every day the concentration camps operate on the southern border is a stain on the country, all of us who live here and Biden. Period.

I don’t even see how that is debatable tbh.


Hell here is the article I posted earlier and thats me just googling for 5 seconds. Doing a deep dive you could absolutely find more

Biden signed a series of executive orders and directives on immigration that primarily call for the review of, rather than an end to, Trump policies that the new administration has said it would get rid of

Biden officials have not said what they’ll do with Title 42, a public health authority invoked by the Trump administration amid COVID-19 that border officials are using to quickly expel asylum seekers without due process.

Biden may well be doing the smart thing politically. Keeping Latin Americans out of the US is popular. Cops are popular. The military is popular. He’s not going to alienate all of the nationalistic, jingoist, racist, selfish, authoritarian people in the country who are members of both major parties. Still, fuck him for keeping people absolutely not guilty of doing anything wrong (immigrants and non-violent drug prisoners) imprisoned for one day longer than he could possibly get them out.


Also Biden has exceeded expectations for me as well. That doesn’t mean we should stop criticizing and discussing his mistakes.


Nah getting gets out of cages is super popular. In general being tough on immigrants is popular I agree, but because it was Trump and all the awful shit that came out about immigrants, helping them and freeing them would be hugely popular for the base.

He thinks being tough on immigrants is still popular like when he was with Obama, and he’s right, but in this specific instance because Trump pissed off the base he can help these specific immigrants while still being wildly popular. I don’t think he understands that so he isn’t helping.

So people are suffering and he’s making a political mistake.