The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I basically agree with Watevs except for the fact I don’t see an Iron or Clovis as an enemy. We disagree some on how to get there but I think we want roughly the same things. It’s easy to get heated arguing on the internet though. I can’t tell you guys how many times I start to get angry and then either don’t post it or just water it down in my posts. Watevs just lets it rip and that’s why he comes off the way he does. It’s unbridled frustration and rage. I can relate to that tbh. With the current state of things and the most likely future path of the US and the world how can you not feel like that?


The problem with watevs is that he doesn’t care about the forum and doesn’t care about being banned. He could always say all the same things with all the same rage if he just phrased it differently. He could very easily attack people without making it so obvious and literally calling them names.


Starve it to death. Cut it’s budget to 0.

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Won’t budget cuts require congressional involvement? I was focusing on things Biden could do unilaterally.

Ah OK. Can he use an EO to move all ICE agents to BFE? Can he reassign all of their hardware to other agencies?

I still can’t get over a court fucking overruling prosecutorial discretion and essentially ordering that certain crimes have to be prosecuted in a certain way. Such a fucking joke. This country man.

Which case are you referring to here?

This seems to be the best strategy I’ve read in this thread so far.

The Texas lawsuit where they issued an injunction preventing Biden from doing a deportation freeze.

I didn’t realize that was the basis for the decision. But that seems like even more bullshit than what I thought it was.

Yeah but I was grunching and @JohnnyA had it covered better

But yeah the idea is to think like a Republican. Get it done and deal with the reaction later

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Yeah, Jonny said it first. Then a couple of others.

He should send them to the Canadian border. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


We aren’t good people. Evil to the bone!


Especially since these same judges 100% rule that republican presidents are king and can literally do whatever they want because " the executive branch is way more suited to handle these situations than the courts "

Then when a dem is in office its fuck you lmao.

We really need to stack the court and just have them rule all these lower courts are banned from making rulings or some shit.

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Congress regularly goes into recess because its members have non-legislative functions such as constituent services. Even if such things aren’t formally in the Constitution, I suspect politicians who neglect such responsibilities are the most prone to being primaried.

If the House and Senate were required to be in session 250 days per year and their members to be full-time in Washington, it would probably discourage people with non-adult children from running for office and cause Congress to skew older than it is now.

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I’m not sure I buy this. They could just move their families to DC, and travel back to the state themselves when needed.

I have always wondered why congresscritters hardly do this. My assumption is that it is for optics more than anything else. But that would change if being a congresscritter suddenly required a lot more time in DC.

If they moved to DC, then they wouldn’t be residents of the state they represent. It’s also more expensive to live in DC. And becoming a “Washington insider” is the sort of things that opponents can run on.

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Can’t wait to spend the entire Biden Presidency arguing about whether “Biden is not achieving progressive goals as effectively as he could be” or “Biden is at least somewhat better than a Republican on some issues” is the more important fact even though I don’t think there’s a single forum member who disagrees with either of them.


Are you sure about this? If someone moves to Canada, they can still vote in Cali elections, right.

Even if you’re right, they could easily pass some law that only applies to congresscritters to circumvent.

The Washington Insider thing is real, but if we’re in an alternate reality where they are now required to be in DC all the time, then that change things.