The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Pot kettle black, I gave him a tempban, and personally I find calls for people to ignore someone or posts about how someone is on some poster’s ignore list (either ignore them or don’t - this is the opposite of ignoring them) to be more offensive than calling someone a name.


Not sure how this would work, but it seems bad if you have a lot of people believing their debt has been or is about to be canceled and the Supreme Court rules “jk not really.” I also dispute “politically advantageous,” but we’ve had that discussion here multiple times already.

He is not on my ignore list. And also, seriously give me a fucking break with your insane false equivalence. :roll_eyes:

If it’s equivalence I’d be banning you too wouldn’t I?

It might turn out that way, but I still think the strategy is +EV.

Even if the next GOP pres has to wind his way though the courts to ultimately win, those kind of speedbumps have some value.

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The ignore feature is great and people should be encouraged to use it.


Yeah because you know you ain’t got shit to say to the fact you never do any constructive here or try to help organize to reach our shared goals.

And yeah, when you never post solutions or how we can work together to stop it, it’s whining even if I agree with everything you’re saying.

You ever watch a movie where there is one character just constantly whining and complaining about the fucked up situation they’re in but never posing any solutions? Yeah thats you. Them being right about the situation doesn’t change how unhelpful and insufferable they are.


Generally yes, but they should not go around telling everyone else who they should ignore. Ignore people whose posts you don’t want to see and really ignore them.

Like gregoreo has half the forum on ignore. You don’t see him blasting that ignore list everywhere. He just ignores those people. Be like snoreo.


I don’t see how this ever works given the he only has EO all of which can be instantly reversed. The kind of roadblocks you are talking about would take the house and senate to pass which as you know…lol.

It’s not often I come in to defend a poster but @Watevs your out of order wrt @StimAbuser

That kids lived a life you’ve not… He ain’t one of those, end off.


Exactly. That’s why Biden has to do such egregious (in their minds) shit that the GOP will want to put a stop to it legislatively. Get a few Dems along for the ride (Manchin is great for this) and you’ve got your roadblocks.

Seems fine to me.

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Glad that’s your weird rule. It’s not mine. It’s not a rule on any forum anywhere. I don’t agree and won’t be following it when it comes to him.

I made that post because I was hoping people would stop responding to him as we were having a great discussion and as usual he was trying his hardest to destroy it. I am trying community modding

As for ignore. I have stopped using it as I want to be exposed to ideas I may not like. I am glad I have victoar off ignore now , for example. I have enjoyed his posting lately.

Now please stop this derail. My opinion of watevs is well known. Yours is as well.

No need to respond to this.

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lmao why? There are maybe a handful of posters who suck, but half the fucking forum seems insane.

Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t understand this plan.

For the record Whatevs doesn’t bother me, I agree with a lot of his points, I just wish he’d be more constructive.

That said I’m sorry for the derail and I’ll end it here. I never do these but I decided to go off today lol. Seems he ran from the argument anyways.


Ok, I thought obviously an exaggeration. He said something about having a lot of people on ignore though and that he doesn’t like all the unpleasant interactions/people. I don’t know how many.


The trick is not to not respond, but to not read.

Well I think I just got myself on ignore then lol. I respect that decision though.