The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Finally brought out the “circle jerk.” You really are becoming a big boy, aren’t you?

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I don’t give a fuck about you joining in the process debate and your posts about them being murders doesn’t bother me.

My point is I’ve learned a ton on where to donated, what to do, how to help, and how to try and fix all thats fucked up here. I’ve never seen you join in on that. Maybe your vast knowledge of helping could help others here to do the same. But instead you’re just a giant doucehcanoe to literally everyone.

Like we’re on the same side, I agree with most of what you’re saying, and maybe we can learn a lot from each other and help each other do better to stop these evil assholes from doing what they’re doing, but nah all you do is be a absolute shitdick and not be constructive.

Community organizing is the fucking key, this is a community, help organize you insufferable lil shit.


Once again, imagine watching the entire government take a break during the middle of a pandemic with the presidents approval and still waxing on about how it’s a difficult process. They literally aren’t working this week and you want to defend them. Biggest fucking cuck nation in the history of the planet.

The professional sit on their ass class is complicit. You are the gatekeepers that tell people they can’t have good things.

The guy did crimes in the open for 4 years and half ass attempted a coup for which he will face zero consequence. Getting to retire to a golf resort and lay around on the hundreds of millions he grifted is not much of a consequence.

Not to mention the vast majority of his clearly illegal EOs were at least somewhat successful. Trump literally showed Biden the playbook but Biden cares more about norms, civility, unity and the rest of the arblegarble fantasy land nonsense than getting things done.

Was that your response to me? I literally just said I agree they’re murders for taking a break.

Iron is the only one defending the break, stop creating strawmans.

Who said anything about stopping the entire pandemic, you bootlicking turd? A lot of people don’t have three weeks and it is obvious to anyone with a soul what needs to be done.

It’s really not. They passed a COVID bill 2 months ago.

Oh my mistake you only responded to my post saying it was murder by calling me a whiner. Put me on ignore if you don’t like my posts, it’s the last I’ll ever speak to your idiocy.

Jesus people.!


Obviously the immigration issue is a million times more important but to pick some low hanging fruit I would love to hear from the Biden stans why he hasn’t put pen to paper to forgive some or all student loans?

He is aware of the issue and has already signed an EO on student loans. Trump did too. There isn’t a shred of doubt he could do it. It would be immensely popular politically and literally no one would be hurt at all. He ran on it. Why won’t he do it?

Wow! I guess everyone got what they needed with that bill and we have plenty of time to figure out what’s next.

One thing I think Biden should do, especially if he wins another term is that towards the end, he should focus on neutering the power of the presidency. Here’s the game plan:

  1. Do a bunch of shit that that GOP thinks is egregious
  2. Force them to pass a bunch of laws saying president can’t do that. Encourage bipartisan support behind the scenes.
  3. When Trump 2.0 eventually wins presidency they will be hamstrung.

And of course the “shit that GOP thinks is egregious” will be stuff progressives have been clamoring for.


My understanding is his ability to forgive debt via EO is not as clear cut as you are saying.

He also can’t fire civil servants. It’s a really bad angle to say “lol trump did it and faced no consequences”. One of the goals here has to be restoring some semblance of rules as to how the executive branch operates.

I’m not saying dems should give up on everything because of “lol norms” but firing civil servants has real implications I am not sure you are considering.

Right people should respond to a scumbag who says shit like this

He should do it and dare the Republicans to challenge it in court. It’s not only the right thing to do but politically advantageous. The Dems are always wringing their hands about the political calculus of doing things but that is disingenuous also as they don’t even really attempt to do the popular things either.

Firing civil servants who are disobeying his immigration orders seems fine to me tbh. Making civil servants somehow immune from normal consequences seems insane to me.

Come on, man. They won’t be hamstrung at all! Only the next Democratic President will be hamstrung. That’s the benefit of having six Supreme Court justices and base of rabid cultists.


I think I agree re student loan debt although I am not super educated in the matter.

As for firing civil servants I really think that is a very dangerous slippery slope. So many types of civil servants have to have some type of security. We can’t want a world where the hundreds of thousands of civil servants rotate every 4 years with the political winds.

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Well the context of my comment was IRT someone saying it isn’t Biden’s fault ICE and whoever else are violating his immigration orders.

In my mind that isn’t the political hatchet job that you seem to be fearing (and I agree is bad). It’s simply firing someone refusing to do their job.

The problem is the judiciary is backing up ICE so far.

This is the real problem we have that still doesn’t get enough attention. The 30 year effort of the right to stack the judiciary has made it so difficult for progressives to get even the most basic things accomplished.

I don’t really have any idea how to fix this that won’t take decades.