The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Anthony Weiner I guess.

I’ve got LBJ over Carter because I think the good he accomplished outweighed the bad of Vietnam, but I can see how a reasonable person would disagree. I’d accept a bad war as the price if Biden could expand voting, civil rights, and the social safety net to the degree LBJ did.

Under current conditions, I think LBJ would be a better president than Carter. The positives in his skill set would be a better match for getting things accomplished with the Congress we have.


Yea he was also on my list but couldn’t really remember how that all played out.

He resigned. He has since spent time in prison.

Maybe if you think a Republican would not have resigned in John Conyers’ place.

Oh yea, literally 0% chance a Republican would resign over allegations of sexual harrassment or misuse of tax payer funds. Both of those are more likely to get you elected as a Republican.

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A Republican might resign over allegations of sexual harassment of members of the same sex.

Pat Meehan actually did resign after being caught using taxpayer funds to pay a sexual harassment settlement.

Isn’t that how Hastert got got?

Hastert retired before the scandal broke. You’re thinking of Larry Craig.

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I was definitely thinking of Hastert, but I forgot the timeline of how it unfolded.

Larry Craig does seem to fit, though. I’d forgotten about him.

Hastert resigned after the Republicans lost their majority in the House. Not immediately after, but he was rumored to be unlikely to finish his term and he declined to run for minority leader.

Mark Foley

Some say it played at least some part in the Dems winning the House in 2006, but the raging disaster of a war was obviously the main reason.

Also Newt in a way and Newt’s immediate successor Bob Livingston got got by sex scandals. Newt not exactly but Bob got Hustlered and made this kinda famous resignation speech

Yeah that’s the douche that Hastert replaced. Newt → this dude → Hastert. What a run of tremendous scumbags.

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When the republicans had control of the senate all we heard about were how many bills the house passed but that Mitch would never allow to come up for a vote in the senate.

Now the democrats control that gate. Is anyone here delusional enough to think they will just start putting all this stuff up to a vote like they should? No. Each bill is going to be wrapped in special reasons and conditions why it must be gingerly considered before not voting on it.

I know they have had a few bigger issues to tackle at the start, but I am starting to believe the democrats have no more desire to legislate than the republicans do.

Only like five plus weeks in, but they have accomplished noting so far. Since “first 100 days” is such an iconic measure of a new president and a new congress, burning through the first third of thst having done nothing is pretty bad. Given we are in the middle of a national crisis it is that much worse.

Seems both parties use the same play book. When you don’t have control of the senate just go crazy passing stuff in the house. Get control of senate and develop amnesia.

I am being too tough on the total of congress. They have worked so hard over the last month. Look at everything they accomplished. They have earned some time off.


What do you mean take a few weeks to figure it what they want? And they have had months and months.

Meanwhile Americans continue to be devestated.

The need for aid didn’t just drop from the sky last night and most of the people in congress have been there since Covid showed up. So I don’t get the couple more weeks thing. For what? This stuff should have been ready to go on day 1.

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This in a landslide. There are very few people in congress that are truly out for the people. In general, it is us against them, not R against D. Even though most of the D’s aren’t absolute scum like just about every R, it is a 538 person dictatorship that they know we can’t overcome.

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Constituent Service? Seems fundraising is more likely.

And these are extraordinary times. Watevs is right. It’s crazy they just went on a break. Indefensible.

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For some, sure, fundraising is a big reason. But some politicians cite their ability to remain connected to their constituents as a reason for why they win elections and discourage primary challenges. This includes showing up to local events and making sure that casework is done (although probably not handling much personally).

Joe Crowley moved his family to the DC suburbs (while maintaining a technical residency in New York). This sort of absentee representation is one of the things that made him vulnerable to a primary challenge from AOC.

This stuff matters inside a district. It flies under the radar of people who see all politics as national.

Reopening healthcare enrolment seems like a good idea. Stop gap but good.

This is probably true? Who the fuck has been a good president? FDR? The list is very short. Biden is way to the left of basically every president ever despite not being on the left at all

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