The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

This thread is pretty nuts.


And this shit is after this:

Consovoy seems to be relying pretty hard on the Nixon “when the President does it, that means it’s not illegal” defense.


Doesn’t work when 40% of the country is deplorable; multiple viable parties just means splitting our vote and losing to the deplorable 40%

I used to think we needed 3 viable parties to change the game theory from zero sum but now that I realize 40% of the country is fucked up, it just won’t work.

We gotta first work on getting that number down to 20% and then we can talk about having multiple non-evil parties

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The irreperable harm question from the panel, from the very very very little I know, is possibly a bigger bombshell than the testimony about the quid pro quo yesterday.

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Either that or there’s something else that explains both of those things.

Wtf is this?


Someone over there didn’t understand Frost/Nixon.

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In before “stay pending appeal,” SCOTUS takes it past the election, game over suck it libs.

What election? Since he’s beyond reproach he don’t need no stinkin election.

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The only question that should have been asked by the circuit court was…

“Can the president be indicted IF he shoots and kills the president elect”

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Trump is bringing some troops home after all, it seems. They were redeployed to Iraq, of course, but it seems no one bothered to ask Iraq who have now told the soldiers to do one. Winning!

Coming up with new pony puns is half the fun, no?

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Yea. Damn those stupid judges for not specifying who he’s going to shoot on 5th Ave in their question

It’s impossible to muster any defense for the conduct, so their only option is to go HAM on the process and hope low-info observers are fooled by their blathering about “fairness” and “transparency”.

This escalation seems like an obvious attempt to overshadow yesterday’s bombshells. The more they cover this stunt, the less time there is for Quid Pro Quo.


That Uncle Blazer lawbro said the SCOTUS has to decide in 10 days whether to take the case.

And give the court packing Democrats an easy excuse to pack the court? They have lifetime appointments and GOP policy to enact through the courts. I really really doubt they throw Donald a lifeline on such a terrible legal argument.