The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Every story for the entire nearly 3 years of the presidency (more scandals than you can shake a stick at) has had no more than a couple of days taking up the cycle, with child separation taking up maybe 7 days until that was ‘reversed’ (the NYT fraud story is a great example of that). Ukraine/impeachment/Schiff’s parody of the phone call has now been in the news cycle for nearly a month straight as the top story. It’s not going away. It’s the thread that’s being pulled, and today’s testimony by Taylor was a huge day for developing many other storylines by the newspaper outlets.

We’re just getting warmed up, and Trump and his lackeys are giving great assists that no one on this board thought was possible toward keeping this in the news. When you have Gym Jordan and Linzie Graham as your messaging specialists, you’re dead.

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He can’t even comprehend simple headlines before denying them. The story is not about him asking them to be chief of staff.

Haha thanks

Your pony deserves to be reposted. This can’t be guffawed at enough times.

I have to keep reminding myself that we’re talking about two separate quid pro quos now.

  1. Crowdstrike lone server treasure hunt
  2. Hunter Biden

Lol I don’t know anyone that has had their income increase that much.


WH visit too & he still didn’t give that but instead met at the UN in NY.

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Maybe my pony is slow? Unclear as this R.R. Shitshow Express is way off the rails.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said President Donald Trump is “fully prepared” to take military actions against Turkey in Syria if necessary.

“We prefer peace to war,” Pompeo told CNBC. “But in the event that kinetic action or military action is needed, you should know that President Trump is fully prepared to undertake that action.”


At 10 AM tomorrow tRUmp is appealing to the Appeals CT on the Constitutionalty of turning over his Tax Returns. It will last 1 hour. A ruling will be handed down.


This explains Trump more than anything else.

(Well, and the median voter being a white person over 50 w/o a college degree.)

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Man, whatever they have on Lindsey, it’s gotta be like fiddled with an underage boy level of ownership.


Careful, we don’t want to get the forum shut down.

( twitter | raw text )

He’s starting early this morning.