The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

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hey, sorry if I missed it in the thread, what is the end goal exactly? A 4 page pdf but with some graphical design elements to make it more compelling to look at? Content wise I’d say that after today, Taylor’s testimony is more compelling than most of the info there

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It’s to create something that is actually good messaging. Cuse wants to work on making that part. I think you’re solid with good looking graphics/font choices (Risky sounds like he really gets layout and he’s good at memes). I think if we could make a much more compelling narrative from this, it would get more play. I don’t want anyone seeing that document, as it’s about as close as it can be to hot garbage without being hot garbage.

At some point soon, Risky is going to throw up some ideas from a small part of the document, but he won’t have time to do anything before the weekend at the earliest. Think of this like a marketing exercise. How do you sell impeachment around one of the biggest scandals in American history in a way that’s appealing to people and concise? What they did is not it, and I can’t even believe that’s in the public sphere in the form it is.

they might as well just say the constitution doesn’t apply to emperor trump and be done with the arguing at this point

Please bring back daily presser ffs

All this is possible only because the Murdochs are still welcomed in polite society.

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So this is the equivalent of when Kavanaugh came back from a break in his confirmation hearing, which seemed to be going terribly, and shifted into red faced, angry Brett. And then was confirmed.

Maybe they will bring back inauguration crowd Sean Spicer.


You can’t message your way out of this. All you can do is lie, and hope no one is paying attention or that they all believe the lies.

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I have no doubt this is clever, but I gotta be honest and subject myself to humiliation. I don’t get it.


Look who’s back in for another unashamedly fleeting role.

Oh it’s a formatting thing on the board. I’m on mobile.

I clicked on the the actual tweet and yeah I get it.

Whitaker just setting up his defense when it comes out that he manipulated Mueller’s investigation at the behest of President Crimes.

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I don’t get the Ilhan tweet


I don’t know how I quoted bigt there or posted twice, lol it wouldn’t load for a few sec though :joy:

If there’s something that people ITT can help pelosi with, I’m not sure it’s condensing a 4 page PDF into a 2 page PDF. That is missing the point imo.

No collusion! No obstruction! Witch Hunt! Her emails!..etc

GOP is so good at messaging because of their simplicity. It may seem counter intuitive to boil down a 4pg PDF into a few effective, data poor one liners but I think that’s what the opposition (us) needs to be addressing in order to stand a chance. What can trend on Twitter? Don’t know the answer to this.

