The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

That’s some North Korean shit right there. And it’s like a 0.000001 on the scandal meter.

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


No, it stands for Bill Barr.

Blood on his hands again?

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LOL at the anonymous book guy.

Hey asshole, we have career public servants going on the record and nothing you could say will surprise anyone. Fuck off, coward.


Anonymous source trys to take the spotlight of Mr Taylor opening statement by producing a book full of anonymous sources about javanka?



Lol that is the 19ers line on 22 and they are sticking to it.

Even in trumps do nothing whitehouse how does an active staff member have time to write a book?

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Ghost writer. Very few famous people actually write books.

@anon38180840 @RiskyFlush @smrk4 (smrk, I’ll drop you from further notifications if you’re not interested in participating in this)

I’ve gone through the Pelosi ‘fact sheet’ and here are my initial thoughts in order from an overall story standpoint/plus some detail stuff. Overall, the narrative is butchered in this document, so a bunch of stuff that I’m not really noting needs to be arranged into a much better narrative before getting into the weeds on fixing the language (cuse you should be good at revising the existing narrative they’ve created) and numerous other problems. These are all just suggestions, and by no means need to be followed closely if there is disagreement about any of it:

Page 1 (cover): Needs new title, new graphic, no large photo

Page 2:

  1. The quote should go above the heading if we want to use this for better impact.
  2. Paragraph 1 is too long, too verbose, and needs a subheading.
  3. Paragraph 2 should be above paragraph 1.
  4. Own words part (notes cover all of the quotes in the section), it’s very bad to have ellipses in a ‘money quote’. Needs a document cite subheading (Ukraine Phone Call Transcript with link to a copy of it), and page numbers for each quote. Each quote should say ‘Trump says (or said), xxxx’ after the page number/line number from the original document. Risky, there should be something that makes text ‘pop’ for any ‘hit points’ they want, but no underlining type crap obviously. Also, somewhere in this section it needs to be brought up that Zelensky brought up Giuliani’s name first (will need the document page cite). This proves there was an extracurricular conversation(s) attached to this phone call even happening, even before we get into the whole text message corroboration of this. Maybe @kre8tive can find the Tweet referencing the adviser to Zelensky saying that a phone call could not even happen without Zelensky agreeing to start an investigation. The fact that Zelensky brought this up first proves that he knew where Trump was going on the call.
  5. The Pressure Campaign quote needs to go above the heading, but will need more separation from the previous section obviously.
  6. Paragraph 1 of PC is way too verbose, way too long. Each person should have their own subheading, along with what they did (bullets might be a better idea for that).
  7. Paragraph 2 of PC, any ‘press’ references need a cite and a date. Same issues with verbosity.

Page 3:

  1. Paragraph 1 has issues with word choice, verbosity, and impact.
  2. Paragraph 2 should probably be the first paragraph in name mentions (should probably have State Department personnel subheading or something similar)
  3. In the text message section there are lots of issues. We need a document title and page cites similar to what needs to be done for the phone call transcript (with link to document). This section has all the earmarks of using context poorly. Dates are out of order, which is a disaster of Michael Moore like proportions when crafting a narrative via time, especially one as important as this. The key to the usage of these texts is the escalation along the timeline. There’s not even a mention of the fact that this phone call happened the day after Mueller testified and after the press ran with him being a dud. They felt free to engage in open corruption after that testimony.
  4. These quotes miss the important key part of the timeline with Sondland responding with the ‘no quid pro quo’s’ comment several hours after he was asked about this, and just shortly after he had completed a phone call with Trump.

Page 4:

  1. The quote should be above the title for better impact. There needs to be a page number/line number cited for this quote, and gotta find full context for this to see if the ellipses are bad.
  2. The thesis statement in Paragraph 1 is missing a ton of crucial information that totally glosses how bad the run up to the public’s understanding of this went. Schiff’s subpoena that I believe he sent out on September 13, 2019 should be a part of this. It should be noted that the WB investigation was completed on August 26. The proper date for turnover should be noted, that was missed, and then showing the acting DNI’s behavior and when the complaint was actually turned over as opposed to when it should have been turned over.
  3. Paragraph 2 doesn’t fall under cover up. The narrative is backwards anyway. It needs to be mentioned that this phone call transcript wouldn’t have come out if it hadn’t been for a lot of pressure faced by the WH over it in hopes of making the impeachment inquiry go away. After the transcript was released, it looked super bad for the WH, and that was still before the WB complaint was released.
  4. In The WB Complaint States part, this all comically underplays how bad this scandal is. The bullets are not in a proper narrative order, etc. Why is Giuliani under the cover up? Why is the national security stuff under the cover up? Those are the crimes, and are related to the shakedown. The ‘lock down’ is part of the cover up. Barr is part of the cover up. The WH lawyers are part of the cover up. The acting DNI (wittingly or unwittingly) is part of the cover up. The DOJ is part of the cover up giving unauthorized legal advice to change the complaint to no longer be ‘urgent’. Pence is part of the cover up, as he had a main adviser on the phone call, and he had notes from the phone call. Sitting on the WB complaint/ICIG report is part of the cover up. For the ‘electronic system’ quote, that’s a crime, not the more innocuous sounding ‘abuse’.



Meh, could be relevant to, and released as a condition of, his bail package. Let’s not break out the champagne just yet.

Pms are a thing.

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Click on anyone’s aviator and the option comes up to message that poster.

Are you saying we didn‘t get him?