The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Not only do I give homeless people money for crack I drive into the hood to get it for them.

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Yeah, all they do is drive in the other lane, not a different direction. A right turn is still a right turn, regardless of which lane you are in.

This is our POTUS.

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typically give them my restaurant leftovers but only bc I didn’t like them otherwise I would have finished the meal to begin with.

Literally do nothing. Then proclaim that you are deeply concerned that it hasn’t been made yet. Then continue to do nothing.


It’s a habit that I’ll struggle forever and probably never break. It has to do with age, of course, because that’s what we were taught in the ancient times, but also because the shortcut on my phone keyboard for adding a period is to hit space twice…which just reinforces the habit.


Caption contest!
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haha, correct use of apostrophe is a dead giveaway that a lackey wrote that tweet, despite the stupid last sentence

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There’s also an episode where he tries to give away his leftovers to a homeless guy and asks what it is and he says no.

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Look see, poker is still upticking. We must stay the course guys.


Maybe some homeless people are trying to be vegan or have gluten sensitivities and are sick of pompous rich people shoving that kinda food at them. Can’t a guy just get some money to buy some damn tofu?

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That has happened to me before, lol.


Donnie’s losing it.

I don’t think he’s used to being in an existential battle with a competent and committed adversary. Not really something you can bluff or lie your way out of.


Eat the rich.
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What’s the o/u on GOP house members voting to impeach? In light of the Syria vote, I suspect around 20. However, I think the real number may be either 5 or 65.

“If you look closely…right…there. That is what I believe is Mr. Trump’s cock.”

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