The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS
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The vote just got pushed out another month.
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I can’t with this shit. This racist dotard needs to go NOW.

Nancy’s strategy is unsatisfying but correct.

Scenario 1: Impeach now. One of two things happen. First, by far more likely, Senate doesn’t convict, Trump stays in office and most importantly future revelations will be ignored as additional House action will look like sour grapes roughly equivalent to the GOP house voting 100 times to repeal Obamacare. The other possibility involves the GOP brokering Pence or some other slapdick into office, circling the wagons for 2020 with 9+ months of runway for propaganda and cheating.

Scenario 2: Let the crimes continue to be exposed. We’re going to get a constant stream of new and increasingly corrupt behavior being exposed. If he’s casually trading military aid for political dirt, the limits of his criminality are limited only by our imaginations. And there are no adults left in the room. Gear up impeachment hearings during Spring/Summer 2020, save the most devastating public images for election season. Don’t give them time to broker an alternative candidate and trigger the constant meltdowns by trolling him via impeachment.

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Scenario 2 is the correct strategy sadly. The goal here is to not just win but absolutely waffle crush the 2020 election. Has to be big enough that a) they can’t steal it and b) we win the Senate conclusively enough that we can force the filibuster to go away.

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This does seem like the right play since we know removal from office is at 0%.

Yup this. There’s really nothing in it for Dems to push impeachment through right away. They need to keep the discovery process driving news cycles from now until at least next summer. I’ve never for a second been in favor of a ‘narrow’ impeachment. We should be looking for 20+ counts all of which should get dragged through the media in excruciating detail. The goal here is to move public opinion so far that the Senate has a really ugly vote to take. They’ll probably still not vote to remove because their base won’t have moved… but it should be polling at 65%+ with so called independents.

Lol the key part is “The President told him that.” In other words the president knew it was wrong but was trying to cover it up by saying it was not.

Nobody not offering quid pro quo needs to say “And remember, this is not Quid pro quo!”


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We already have the footage:

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Yeah impeaching a criminal president shouldn’t be based on polling in swing states. Although something tells me the times poll being referred is not as favorable as Trump sucklings are saying.

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Literally two days after “OMGZ IS LINDSEY MAKING A FACE TURN?” dominated the derposphere

I can think of at least one sense it’s not a lynching in…

Cue countries trump asked to investigate Brennan through Rudy.

After giving this some thought I think I’m in favor of the dotard and Lynzie and the rest of them doing whatever they can to pump up African-American turnout against them. Next I would like them to start talking about how they’re being assaulted like a drunk woman at a frat party.