The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Now if he declared war on Turkey and Turkey declared article 5 under NATO resolutions, does that mean that America would have to go to war with… Itself?


It’s almost as if destabilizing NATO was one of Puti… Russia hoax!



This is extremely bad and some of my biggest fears when I was predicting him being a disaster in foreign policy before he was elected. (I was obviously not alone in this assessment).

Someone stated it well recently, that we have really dodged bullets in not having a real crisis develop but we can all see what an absolute disaster it is when things go a little awry.

He is becoming more unhinged, his administration is full of fifth stringers and he can not find anyone to fill those positions. The cockroaches he likes do not qualify because Trump knows his chances of getting anyone through a confirmation hearing at this point is non existent.

So he thinks he can score quick points while under impeachment clouds by trying to fulfill one of his campaign promises. He can’t push the wall because it is being built (lol) so he has to go with bringing troops home. He likely asked where are smallest engaged forces are and then said move them out. Obviously this came with some level of coordination with Erdogan. Now he has the blood of thousands on his head he wants to fight someone else. Yet he has till never asked Turkey to stop.

I can’t even fathom how awful a second Trump term would be. The ONLY positive is it would be weird for him to still having campaign rallies. Can presidents in their second term still collect donations?

Our most likely out here is evicting him in the 2020 election. Would be good if something comes earlier but I have no confidence. It will be a historical disaster if he gets a second term and feels emboldened and doesn’t face a re-election.


It might take a historical disaster to wreck the Republicans so bad that Democrats have a shot at a strong majority in the Senate.


Putin wants NATO to go away. I don’t think it is off the table for Trump to try and pull out of NATO or break it in some manner. He will just shout about having to pay for it all. I feel like we are entering some extremely choppy waters.


Part of my hope is impeachment continues and happens then senate doesn’t convict but we have them all on record. As investigations continue on Trump, even when out of office, it will lay heavy on senate republicans who didn’t convict and those who don’t retire will find their seats in jeopardy.


I think we’re in territory where certain members of NATO should strongly consider taking a role in American politics on the level of Putin and are probably being negligent if they haven’t already started making moves in that direction. I, for one, invite their electoral interference. Or their blackmail of Republicans to vote for impeachment and removal from office. Or whatever.


I have been thinking this as well. Any country that doesn’t try to interfere in our upcoming political battles are asleep at the wheel. The stakes are high for the whole world and the downside of getting caught is apparently nothing. Should end up being a global proxy war for our souls.

They deserve a lifetime of what Maxine Waters advocated for members of the Trump administration. This should last beyond retirement because they shouldn’t have a right to be forgotten.


There is a lot going on that reminds me of the partition of Poland.

If only Gil Scott-Heron had consulted Arthur C. Clarke.

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Where are the hacktivists we you need them?

Which one, there were several Partitions of Poland - Wikipedia

All of them? I see the partition of Poland as more of an ongoing process than a collection of discrete events. You’ve got foreign interference, especially Russian. You’ve got a dysfunctional legislative body crippled by a stupid rule (the liberum veto). You’ve got a head of state with a history of Russian sexcapades.

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I think of it more as a False Dmitry situation, when the Poles tried to run Russia through various fakers pretending to be the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible. I have a feeling you’re going to love what happened to each of them, especially the first one.
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They’re all Trump supporters.

As far as entertainment, I cherish every time he goes on Hannity just in case anything ever happens to Trump. The supercut of Hannity footage will be a feast for come