The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Random prediction: in a few months we’ll quietly discover that before the public announcement that the G7 would be held a Doral, a contract was signed that required a non refundable deposit for at least part of the estimated event cost.


Ethnic Cleaners
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C., 20500

One Hour Martinizing


It’s surprising that a mega rich guys like Steyer don’t think their money would be better spent exposing the electorate to stuff like this via local advertising. It can’t be that expensive and would be a much better use of the money than his impeachment commercials and running for national office.


Most Texans already hate him, so it should just be run if the Cowboys throw an interception, give up a fumble, or just lost a really important game.

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And yet no one will do anything about it.

Bill Taylor to testify Tuesday.

He’s the one that texted Sondland saying, “I think it’s crazy to hold up security assistance for a political purpose.”


Wow, they got him fast.

Michael Duffy from OMB scheduled for Wednesday, he was the one who actually signed off on the withholding of aid.

We have court orders which if Johnson disobeys will put him in contempt of court and at risk of a possible prison sentence, so the two situations, though scary, aren’t as similar as you think because of the UK’s independent judiciary (an idea that was usually mocked in the US for being undemocratic lol).

They never said “ Withhold this AID until Ukraine announces investigation into Hunter Biden”. Game, set, match libs!

US judiciary is theoretically independent. How are they different? I don’t know much about the UK system.

Could you imagine the delicious conservative tears if Warren wins and has control of both Chambers?


I’m already dreading Schumer lecturing the world about the need to keep the filibuster


I was going to type some rage about not repealing the filibuster but nah. Nothing new to say. Warren gets it.

Reverses stance after meeting with tRUmp where he was assuredly reminded of the kompromat they have on him.


Lol Pompeo completely speechless when confronted with undeniable facts. I’d be surprised if Mulvaney survives much longer.

Interesting take. Even if he’s not voted out I think he’s toast barring a strong third party bid.

McGahn decision must be coming this week.