The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS


When you look at that video, Trump sucks wind in like Heath Ledger’s Joker.

Come on, you have to ask? Have you seen Cippolone’s work?


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She kind of buried the lede with the whole ‘as the devil’ thing.

In that VA chief book excerpt from Time posted earlier, he was meeting Trump while the chuckleheads tried to prepare a press release. They handed it to Trump to read and he handed it back and said “Read it to me”.

We talkin’ about practice.

I want to lol at this but I think it gives us some insight into Trump and how he definitely doesn’t want to be responsible for killing people.

God dammit somebody needed to ask him what a server looks like as a followup.

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Wait, is this real?

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I broke my rule of not watching him speak. Never again.

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Foreign Policy Fucktard

of course that letter is real. You expected anything else from this president? This is exactly why he was elected.

What Ive learned in life

If someone says “they say”

They mean

“I say”

Ms. Hill said that his invitations, which were highly unusual and not communicated to others at the White House, prompted one instance in which Romanian officials arrived at the White House without appointments, citing Mr. Sondland.

Sondland pretty much told all foreign officials they could stop by the White House any time.

Wtf is wrong with his mouth?
( twitter | raw text )



Philadelphia Inquirer had an elite headline:

Sanford kicks of his presidential campaign. One person showed up.

UK news… :roll_eyes: