The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

This is almost certainly bullshit being fed to reporters to make it look like Trump cares about policy.



Hmmm, Saudi national involved in another incident of domestic terrorism on American soil.

I’m sure this will effect the aid tRUmp provides to the Kingdom.


Nope, but I’m sure he’ll use it to make the lives of Muslim Americans worse, scare the shit out of Fox News viewers, attack Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, and then blame all Dems for it. Something about if they weren’t doing impeachment they could have done something to prevent this, but they blocked him from preventing it so it’s their fault.

4 dead 8 injured… Hand gun involved. Live from Pensacola, FL.


It’s gotta be bait to help Warren get the nomination because they think the Pocahontas shit is going to be a slam dunk for them if it’s anything more complicated than trying to make him seem like he understands politics.

At the very least they need to be added to the list of banned countries until we can figure out what the hell is going on.


Yes, but think about how great this is for the healthcare companies and the billionaires that own them! There’s nothing more patriotic in America than dying in poverty with shitty healthcare so that the corporations can make record profits.

Now sing it with me. God Bless America…


We shouldn’t have a list of banned countries to start with, and while I get where you’re going on this, we shouldn’t let the notion that a banned country list based on religion is a good idea seep into liberal talking points.

This one hits close to home because I have a dear friend who is back in Saudi Arabia after getting a grad degree here and numerous full-time jobs, but who couldn’t get a permanent visa and had to leave. She desperately wants to live here, but all she’s got is the lottery visa thing. It’s absurd. She speaks English better than most Americans, and that’s not even a joke about how dumb some Americans are, she’s 100% fluent. Obviously she’s fluent in Arabic, so she SHOULD be able to get a government job of some sort after going through a background check or whatever. But, nope. Can’t even get a foot in the door for an interview.

Anyway, point is, we should be careful not to let this one slip into Dem talking points. You just know half the people running for president, if not more, would support some sort of a ban if they thought it would help them win.

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Well that’s settled then! Carry on.

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Florida fucking sucks

Leader who murders people condemns murder.


Nearly as barbaric as chopping someone up with a bonesaw.


This is sad. It’s real-world shit that’s impacting millions of families. Dems have to talk about this relentlessly and make it personal. Everybody knows somebody who’s gone through or is going through an unexpected health crisis. Fighting for coverage with insurance companies and worrying about money while also dealing with a family healthcare emergency is indescribably horrible. And it doesn’t have to be this way. Every other developed country does better. We can do better. MFA, public option, incremental adjustments to ACA, whatever. But it needs to be framed as an emergency because the status quo is causing needless suffering and costing lives.

Trump ran and won on a platform of “turning things around” and reversing all the terrible ways that Obama was destroying the country. And yet there was never a single trend that needed reversing that wasn’t based on willful disingenuousness or outright lies. “Military decimated”, “economic growth destroyed”, “healthcare system destroyed” “job-killing regulations” etc. were all bullshit.

Meanwhile we have a actual case to be made that almost everything needs to be turned around from the trends of this administration.

Healthcare - “spending more for fewer and getting less” is a great line, everybody should fight to mention this in the next debate
Farm bankruptcies are way up
International alliances are in tatters
Social safety nets are in tatters
State Dept. / Diplomacy is in tatters (I’m currently reading War on Peace: The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Influence by Ronan Farrow, excellent)
Pollution up
Food safety down
Voter suppression up
Climate Change impact off the charts
Civil rights down (does DOJ even have a civil rights division any more? Sure, but they’re all busy fighting for the rights of persecuted evangelicals)
Hate crimes up
Corporate tax evasion rampant
Economic growth and markets whipsawed by stupid trade wars and the uncertainty caused by them
Deficit / Debt is exploding (remember Trump was going to fix this very easily?)

The list is endless. The democratic platform should be “Almost every single trend is moving in the wrong direction and we have to turn things around”. I have yet to see a candidate speaking about this with sufficient passion and URGENCY.

Have a nice weekend!


Coincidentally, this song has been in my head all week (NSFW):

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God, early Sandler comedy CDs were the fuckin tits.

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I want to know why the go-to photo pose for villainous scum is the thumbs-up.