The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS




So Sessions recused himself on McGahn’s direction?


The interviews with Cohen are hilarious. He was increasingly baffled when Trump essentially forced people to perjure themselves by demanding they be consistent with whatever he decided the message was, eg no business or contacts with Russia whatsoever, when telling the truth likely would have had at worst a neutral impact.


This guy will fuck us way worse than Trump

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The make up sex has to be worth it

The dynamic is a bit different here because Kellyanne lovers are Trumpkins and they don’t give a fuck.

The only people who read that as a dunking are people who hate Kellyanne already.

And the people who love her, will just shrug and not change their minds. So, he is not really making her look bad in any meaningful way.

In the hypothetical situation of you and your wife, I’m sure it’s completely different.


The holidays are near, might as well take another vacation until the new year.

( twitter | raw text )

I am okay with this as long as Trump uses his business experience to not ever pay them.

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Trump’s pre-NATO thoughts were as coherent as usual. That is simultaneously the off-the-cuff ramblings of an idiot, and also further confirmation that most of Europe are not allies he wants.

Donald Trump has lashed out at Emmanuel Macron on the first morning of a two-day Nato meeting, saying the French president’s description of Nato as brain dead was insulting and a “very, very nasty statement”.

But Trump appeared to side with the Turkish leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, saying Turkey “couldn’t be nicer, more supportive, very helpful.” He added that Turkey had cooperated in the killing of the Isis leader.

Defending his decision to pull US troops out of north-east Syria, and to green-light the Turkish invasion, he said: “I wanted to get our soldiers out of there, but I wanted to keep the oil.”

I’m looking at him [Macron] and I’m saying that he needs protection more than anybody, and I see him breaking off [from Nato]. So I’m a little surprised at that.”

Asked whether the US alliance with Nato was shaky, Trump denied it, but said: “I do see France breaking off … I see him breaking off.”

Trump said: “Iran is killing, perhaps, thousands and thousands of people right now as we speak, that is why they cut off the internet, so people can’t see what is going on.

“Not just small numbers, which are bad – big numbers, which are really bad, and really big numbers … It is a terrible thing and the world has to be watching.”

Trump also criticised France for a digital service tax that he said unfairly discriminated against US tech companies, including Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon.

Robert Lighthizer, the chief US trade representative, on Monday recommended that Washington respond with $2.4bn in new tariffs on French cheese, wine and other products.

European share prices and the Chinese yuan currency fell after Trump’s comments.

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This is fucking depressing.

Narrator: he was pardoned anyway