The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS





Most of you probably know this, but Brady Toensing managed Trump’s 2016 campaign in Vermont, and he was heavily involved in promoting stories about Jane Sanders and the Burlington College “scandal.” So, if Bernie is the nominee, don’t be surprised if stories about “reopening the investigation” start leaking from the DOJ.

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OK this is enough please America :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Think how many lives I saved by putting out the fire I started! Only a few thousand died before I put it out and saved the rest, but then after a short break I let it start again and anybody who didn’t evacuate fast enough died.

Also, in the commotion a few dozen serial killers and mass murders got out, but no worries, I secured the two most famous ones, mostly because I like their music.

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What the fuck

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Sadly we all know this is a lot more work than the entire dem party did on this.

Also there really is a GOP congressman who might have a conscience? Am I dreaming?

Still doesn’t matter he’s not a senator.

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Trump Writes Unhinged ‘Legal’ Letter Demanding That CNN Pay Him Money

This week, right-wing hoaxster James O’Keefe launched the latest of his series of secretly recorded videos, which purport to prove various conservative conspiracy theories but fail. The new version involves a CNN contractor recording employees grumbling about various complaints about the network, none of which establish the plot O’Keefe set out to prove, and some of which suggest the opposite (an employee complains that CNN covers Trump rallies but not Biden ones, which are too boring).

Even some of the conservative movement’s dimmest stars came away unimpressed. The project nonetheless seems to have left an impression on Donald Trump, a devoted follower and purveyor of nearly all the right’s conspiracy theories, a fanatical devotee of cable news, and, incidentally, the president of the United States. Trump has directed his lawyer to threaten a lawsuit against CNN on the basis of O’Keefe’s flimsy video.

The letter claims that O’Keefe has personally disproven CNN’s claim to be a news network dedicated to reporting facts. “In the Footage, your employees appear to state that CNN attempts to make its reporting appear neutral and unbiased, when in fact its reporting is far from neutral and highly biased against the President.” The letter then moves on to its true complaint, stating (without any evidence whatsoever), “Never in the history of this country has a President been the subject of such a sustained barrage of unfair, unfounded, unethical and unlawful attacks by so-called ‘mainstream’ news, as the current situation.”

Continuing from this extremely shaky factual foundation, Trump’s letter proceeds to a ludicrous legal argument: CNN has violated the Lanham Act, which controls truth in advertising. Therefore, by claiming to be a real news network while subjecting Trump to hours of critical coverage, it has misrepresented itself. For some reason Trump claims he is personally entitled to financial compensation from CNN as a result. Trump plans to “seek compensatory damages, treble damages, punitive damages, injunctive relief, reimbursement of legal costs, and all other available legal and equitable remedies.”

Please let this be the time he actually follows through


This will eventually end up in the keeping up with the news thread, but it’s worth posting here for the lulz:

Mick Mulvaney tried to walk-back his claim that Trump’s decision to withhold nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation of the hacked Democratic National Committee server . Trump has repeatedly claimed his decision to hold up the aid was due to concerns about corruption in Ukraine and that European nations weren’t doing enough to help Ukraine. Trump was reportedly “not happy” with Mulvaney’s press briefing, in which he said “We do that all the time with foreign policy” and that every one should “Get over it,” because “There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.” Mulvaney later issued a statement, which was first reviewed by Trump, saying that “There was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election.” When Trump was asked to clarify Mulvaney’s statement, Trump responded: “I think he clarified it.” Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Mulvaney’s comments a “confession.” (Wall Street Journal / New York Times / CNN)

  • Mick Mulvaney tries to walk back his, ‘yes we do all the crimes all the times, get over it’ statement by saying in a written statement: “The only reasons we were holding the money was because of concern about lack of support from other nations and concerns over corruption,” he said, adding, “There never was any condition on the flow of the aid related to the matter of the DNC server.”

Note the bold. No shit, Prick (Mick), it was related to the Biden investigation.

  • In the written statement (approved by Trump), “There was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election.”

No shit, Prick (Mick), it was related to the Biden investigation for the 2020 election. If people don’t look out for this type of slick language, the ball will hit them right in the face.

Lawyers, is this an example of obfuscation?

Mother of god THIS

Can you even imagine the discovery phase?

:facepalm: OHHHHHH, THAT’S why they live so long.

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