The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

It’s gonna be hilarious when he releases another transcript and it also has felonies in it.


Also, the fact that the closed door depositions were conducted with the knowledge that some (or all) of the witnesses might be coming back in front of the camera means that some folks may have left something in the tank for this stage of the process. If nothing else, the Republicans have some circus theatrics up their sleeves, and the witnesses will have to respond to that. Won’t necessarily elicit new factual information, but would be covered as “newsworthy” and could provide a “have you no decency” type moment.

Also, don’t underestimate the impact that actually seeing someone answer questions as opposed to reading a transcript can change your perceptions of credibility, competence, etc…

But, overall, yeah, I’m skeptical that anyone who has been closely dialed in on this story already will learn many new facts. This is all just a means of presenting those facts in a different format that, hopefully, has a larger reach.

Also, @clovis8

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Yeah, Gym Jordan and Nunes undoubtedly have some clownshow antics planned for this. Maybe Gaetz will drop trou and moon a witness.

Because you order the firsthand witnesses to obstruct the investigation.

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I really don’t think Nunes yelling about Hunter Biden or deep state whatever is going to land. They are too damn guilty, with like 5 unimpeachable witnesses saying the exact same thing. Trump corroborated it all with his own damn “transcript,” Mulvaney corroborated it with his “yeah we did it” press conference. And these clowns aren’t very smart and they aren’t very good at this.

Whether the hearings move the needle is an open question - I think some new bombshell is probably required for that. (“Are you aware of any unusual conversations between the President and other foreign leaders…”). But I’m not worried about Devin fucking Nunes.

That’s what everyone thought before the hearing. In reality Mueller’s testimony was an absolute dud (in terms of political value) and effectively shut down any hopes of using his years long investigation detailing multiple felonies for impeachment. Republican messaging and disinformation campaigns typically win out vs facts, televised or not. Trump has probably already weathered through the worst of the Ukraine scandal. At this point our best hope is that we can hold on to the minimal impact it’s had to affect the 2020 election.

Agreed. People need to realize that we are all going to have to see our way through all of this without ANY help or support from any republicans at all.


Like 20% chance this happens. He thought the second transcript was a perfect call when it was actually a paint by numbers crime. So even though it is unlikely it has nothing on it, we can never underestimate how dumb Trump is and how steamrolled everyone around him is.

20% chance the first call is worse than the second

60% chance the first call is actually the third or fourth

Unknown odds this new call was placed last week.


I bet the first call was worse. Trump has been trying to release it for over a week and hasn’t done so. My guess is his lawyers are telling him not to but Trump gonna Trump.


I was sitting next to a guy with this hat at a poker table @MGM. I asked him where
the hat was made. The player on the other side of him said, “probably Russia”.


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why doesn’t anyone ever point out that donald trump is a corrupt liar and he isn’t a secret international corruption fighter working together with other heads of state to help the world. like on what earth is donald trump ever capable of launching a real, legitimate corruption investigation?

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btw trump did end up giving a short speech at the veterans day parade in ny which actually went fine because he mostly stayed on script

Because if they did that they couldn’t get great quotes from White House staff for their stories.

You guys are really convincing me now. The first call potentially has Trump going HAM after foreign corruption and Trump thinking that is how he proves the second call was perfect.

Okay, let’s see the first call, Sir!

Down to 15 legislative days left in the House after today this year. Did we got him yet?


I know I’m late but of course Jesse B. Waters doesn’t know how US aid works, and apparently neither does the Cheeto.

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