The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Yup. What he actually said, as a reminder:

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For trump, having brown skin correlates 100% with being a criminal.


Democrats continue to fall for the trap of expecting “honorable” Republicans to save them. Fellas, that’s an oxymoron. If you’re surprised Nikki Haley, Mitt Romney, Susan Collins and Marco Rubio are, at best, enormous cowards, I can’t help you.


Jesus, I didn’t even notice the NBC News part. That’s inexcusably bad reporting.

That Politco article is pure fantasy aids, sorry not sorry. Ingesting that kind of talk is a really bad idea.


I don’t think there will be a bombshell. Don’t we already know most, if not all, of what will be in the testimony?

I don’t see how anyone, even Republicans, could possibly believe that Trump has been “tougher on Russia than any other President.” If that were true, it would stand to reason that the Administration would be very concerned about Russian interference on behalf of the Democrats in the upcoming elections. But nobody seems very concerned about that.

BREAKING: Murder defendant submits video of him not killing victim, demands acquittal and apology.


And even if it were politically feasible, it would be an absolute travesty that should be opposed by any American that’s paying attention. The senate removing a sitting American president by secret ballot? It would set an absolutely atrocious precedent.

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Apparently these are the four main talking points that will be used to defend trump.

  • The July 25 call summary “shows no conditionality or evidence of pressure.”
  • Ukrainian “President (Volodymyr) Zelensky and President Trump have both said there was no pressure on the call.”
  • “The Ukrainian government was not aware of the hold on U.S. assistance” during the July 25 call.
  • The security assistance hold was lifted on September 11.

Pretty weak.

You say it’s weak but watch us/the nation 6 months from now brain fucked again like every time and talking about how there was nothing impeachable really there etc.

I also don’t think it’s even technically true. Pretty sure the constitution literally states that the votes of any ballot must be made public if 20% of senators so request.

They might as well add “Sondland totes said there was no quid pro quo” to the list, because as long as they are rolling with talking points that are absolutely and totally contradicted by multiple witnesses, why not have another?


At this point anyone who is not against Trump is a) con man, b) criminal c) mentally ill, d) any combination of above.


Still amuses me as I don’t recall anyone ever asking for the transcript of the first call. Calls to SA? Yes. Calls to Russia? Yes. Calls to China? Yes. Calls to Turkey? Yes. First Call to Ukraine? No.

Although it would be hysterical if it is incriminating.


We knew everything Mueller was going to say when he testified to Congress, it still bumped up the news a bit because the general public is more willing to listen to a 15 second sound bite than they are to read even a page of text. Having someone say, on video, that they were troubled by what they heard on the Ukraine call will make more news than a transcript of someone saying the exact same thing.

( twitter | raw text )

1.Man with baseball bat asks for his money. Can’t prove it was a shakedown, dude was on his way to the park.

2.hostage says he wasn’t hostage standing next to hostage taker who could snatch him again. didn’t know gun was pointed at him so how was he almost murdered?

4.Once exposed extorter stops extortion.


The turning point in Watergate was getting people on the television to describe how crooked Nixon was. idk if the same thing will happen here, the media landscape has changed a lot since then.


No doubt the hope is making it all public will help. That is what did it for Nixon.

My question was more do we expect new information?