The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

America deserves the Donald Trump presidency.


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the Russian outlook articulated by Russian commentators — who faithfully reflect Kremlin policy — is that Trump’s incompetence and incoherence greatly benefit the motherland by weakening its rival America. This mocking theme has aired consistently on the top Russian TV channels for years now and has only intensified as “their” president is threatened by impeachment and electoral defeat.

Indeed, the Kremlin’s broadcasters deride Trump not only for his crude style and obvious ignorance but also for his pathetic sycophancy toward their boss, President Vladimir Putin. In August, the top Moscow news program, called 60 Minutes , featured a video mashup with clips of Trump’s speeches to depict him warbling a pop song as Putin played the piano. The meaning was clear, especially to the snickering studio audience: The American president sings and dances to the Russian president’s tune.

We basically have a mob lawyer in charge of the entire Justice Department and nobody will say it out loud because? Our President is blatantly owned by Russia and nobody will say it out loud because? As much as some grand “they’re in on it” conspiracy makes sense, I truly believe it’s because the entire media has been bullied into submission by the GOP with absolutely zero corresponding push back from the left.

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It’s been endlessly said out loud, what are you talking about?


he only lost because trump never tweeted out to his fans to vote for him tonight


A shame. I thought he had for a second there, but I went back and checked. Nothing.

Lot of Dems pushing out a fake tweet though.

I think I have got a lock on Trump. Dementia exacerbated by very low intelligence and narcissism.


Are you sure it’s not very low intelligence and narcissism exacerbated by dementia? Historians will argue both sides.


Didn’t read, but +1 to the headline


Long disgusting article about the modeling industry, John Casablancas, trump.


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If Obama did that he’d have been out of a job by the end of the day.

Ok, Trump was quoting (accurately or not) someone.

At that point, the German put a gun to Roddie’s head and demanded, “You will order the Jews to step forward immediately or I will shoot you right now through the head.” Roddie responded, “Major, you can shoot me, but you’ll have to kill us all.” That’s something. (Applause.) The German turned red, got very angry, but put down his gun, and walked away