Have they already abandoned the whole ‘there’s nothing wrong with a quid pro quo’ defense already?
There was no quid (no money was ever withheld) and there was no quo (the Ukrainians never investigated Biden), so how can there be a quid pro quo, chessmate liberLOLs.
actually it was withheld for a little bit
They definitely have a point, we can agree there was no pro involved with any of this. Full amateur hour.
I’m sure incompetence works for bank robbers and flashers their first time too. The problem was their first time was the 2016 election. Now they’re just career criminals.
I actually laughed out loud.
This is all the incentive the world needs.
sigh but trump lies about everything.
Nikki Haley is the Marco Rubio of Condoleezza Rices
Something I heard today is that Gym Jordan is going to be temporarily replacing Devin Nunes on the Intel Committee during impeachment. Very very bold move by Nunes there to slink away from the QAnon conspiracies he’s been pushing the last 3 years.
SMH. I’m older than nunnehi. I think I’m older than Clovis too. Fellow kids, I don’t post older than them do I?
you’re not thinning up top either.
You’re like the Paul Ryan of the group
Gen-X basically invented sarcasm and ironic detachment, but somehow the Millenials invented the “OK, Boomer” meme. Why didn’t Gen-X discover that? We were probably too busy watching MST3k reruns and practicing rolling our eyes.
Yeah, it was us who realized that was a good one though.
You make fun of them by always saying it ‘Ok boomer’ to replicate that they don’t know how to do a lower case ‘o’ like it should be.
Literally noone who has followed Trump with any seriousness should be surprised by this. They literally ran back the exact Barr-Mueller play hoping no one would notice.