The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Also, how is Kanye not a lock to win this MAGA rap challenge?

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The anti vax nonsense starts with an inherent dislike of being “told what to do” and also “muh kids muh rights.” Then they work backwards towards the junk science til they have a movement and voila

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He’s already won, but they have to let the rubes think their voice matters


Pinky swurr


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I don’t think we can go back to a “normal” president.

I’d be happy to try.


Because he’s a shitty rapper.


I always find it humorous when people say ‘sike’. It’s supposed to be ‘psych’, as in ‘psyched you out’. Themoreyouknowlogo.jpg

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I find it humorous when people say funny.

Boomers say psych

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Pretty sure nun is older than most people here, so I’ll allow his post history as Exhibit A

It’s sike… :see_no_evil:


Sike is Gen X property and I’ll fight to defend it


Nikki Haley allin on the you can’t convict on attempted only defense I see.

I’m Gen X…1971. I’m not saying that’s not how you spell it, I’m saying that if you remember the term well (as I do, and obviously several others of you do as well), you will know that it was meant to say ‘Hey did you hear or whatever?’ and then you say ‘Psych’, like ‘psyched you out bro’. That’s why I think it’s funny when I see people write ‘sike’, they just never thought about where the term came from and spelled it phonetically.

après moi, le déluge


Great at making music though

The ‘smart’ dotard apologists concocted this strategy weeks ago, heard this line two weeks ago from Rich Lowry on the Left Right & Center podcast