The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

George’s Twitter now says “Human scum who believes real power is truth,” pretty clear response to KellyAnne’s dig at him.

Think George was in on Trump at first for the judges, but after he got the two Supreme Court seats and Trump continued his behavior he was like time to jump off the train.

And KellyAnne, well we know what her deranged motivations are from what she said when she thought she was off the record.


Ehhh… Fox and all the Sinclair stations will be able to spin a pretty good yarn out of it. The mainstream media will be prone to both sidesing it.

Probably 90% of the country is clueless on Nunes, but he’s not going to be outing himself. He’s going to be asking questions about how the whistle blower was running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop in DC while bringing drugs across the border with MS-13 and conspiring with the Russians, Ukranians and bin Laden (who Obama didn’t kill, it was a conspiracy, thanks Obama!) to bring down our duly elected God-King Donald J. Trump, Jr, the last great American Patriot.

It’s not like he’s going to ask Sondland about his cow lawsuit. And the line of questioning will be slightly less insane than my hyperbole, so it’ll fool some people.

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Worry not Rudy, Tim Apple is working on a new recognition technology so you can log into your phone by swiping with your butt


That’s a weird dinner conversation.

I am feeling like they have some kind of agreement to be civil to each other but they will get divorced when Trump is out of office.

I don’t know if this is good or bad but it’s something

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Well now we know why it was so easy for Rudy to butt dial someone. It’s not that his ass has the same skin texture as his fingerprints, though who knows? Maybe that’s true too. It’s that he removed the passcode.

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Linzy giving up power voluntarily?

Feels like Cocaine Mitch is getting ready to stick the shiv in Daddy.

They do this a lot because they have limits. It does mean they expect to need Grassley there though and possibly Graham is warming up in the bullpen for the cabinet.

Vice President Graham

Sounds pretty good to me.

I was going to say that’s crazy but Chuck Grassley is a big supporter of whistleblowers so this definitely seems like getting all the impeachment ducks in a row.

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That’s my point. He’s going to be saying stuff like that and normal people that don’t really follow politics but start paying attention to the impeachment process are going to see this lunatic doing this. This is a good thing for the Democrats. Let the crazies in the party show America how fucking nuts they are.

People here underestimate how little the average American follows politics. We are in the top 1% of the top 1% that follow politics. I mean hell, Coulter thought Tulsi was a Senator today.


Apparently Grassley is not taking over in 2021, and he gets to push Graham aside because he has seniority.

Think Grassley just enjoyed chairing Judiciary, and doesn’t mean much for impeachment.

I’m sure the fossilized remains of Chuck Grassley will do a great job

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Not having the number one toady of the accused running the Senate trial is a good thing, no matter how bad Grassley is.

They’re probably just playing both sides to make sure that as a power couple, they have an in on whichever side of the Republican Party is in power for the rest of their lives. One will always have power, the other will always have the attention of the media to criticize the other side.

  1. Play Both Sides, Ensuring Access to Power
  2. Pretend to be in extreme disagreement
  3. Profit

They have no principles, beyond power and profit.


I agree regarding how little most Americans follow politics, I just don’t agree that Nunes’ nutjobiness will get as much attention. Like, the mainstream will mostly cover impeachment and they’ll give some attention to the relevant bullshit Nunes is trying to spin. The right wing media will just frame a narrative around the spin. Rachel, Lawrence O’Donnell, Chris Hayes, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, etc, will give like 30-60 seconds to his nuttiness at some point in the show, but it’ll mostly fly under the radar.

It’ll get a lot of attention on social media among the top 1% of the 1% that is looking for it, but otherwise I don’t think it’ll be that big of a deal.

And even if it is, like, to what end? I don’t think it’s going to hurt the GOP that much, people will just assume it’s one guy who’s peddling the nonsense conspiracy theories, not like 75% of the party (and I’m being generous at this point).

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So Trolly, what’s it like to not be in the top 1%? :grinning:


True. Grassley is relatively high in the rankings of Senate Republicans who have a non-zero chance of doing the right thing.

Non-zero may still round to zero, though.