The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

The crisis isn’t potential, it’s actual, it’s happening, it has to an important extent already happened.

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Just continuing the claim that it’s fine as long as you don’t say the quiet part out loud

Looks like tons of people rushing out to back Gaetz’s latest crazy scheme. Maybe he should have ordered the pizza first.

Sounds like they should hurry up and get it over with. Seriously.

Schumer suggested yesterday that impeachment would definitely be affected by a shutdown.
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Infostainment outlet Fox News. I just coined a new term, thank you.


The House and Senate will come together as a unified body to pass a government funding bill with a veto proof majority to make clear that the Legislative branch is its own coequal branch of the Federal government not beholden to the Judicial or Executive branches.

Then all of America will rise to their feet and give a ten minute standing ovation for the brave Congresspeople.

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If the Nats win tonight, does Trump acknowledge it? Obviously the team had nothing to do w/ the stadium booing him, but he’s too stupid to realize that.

If they win, the parade route should go past Obama’s house.

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He didn’t tweet anything for the Red Sox last year, the closest he got was armchair managing

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The owner kind of booed him too, so no id guess.

So Drumpfs own nominee for ambassador to Russia just rolled on him in an open senate hearing?

  1. He won’t be the nominee much longer
  2. Wow. Talk about screwing the pooch. How bad can an admin be to get blindsided like that.

Living in fantasy world where there will be show trials for the Ivana kids and the congressional enablers and Barr.

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On the off-chance that Trump doesn’t go to jail, I would like for him to manage a baseball team for minimum one year. Ticket sales and reality show spin-off ratings will set records. Hell, forget emoluments and let him do it now and he might be impeached by the sixth inning.

I don’t even watch baseball but have him do the Marlins.
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Reminder that if Donald Trump had his way, he’d own the Buffalo Bills right now and not be setting the Constitution on fire.


He likes being in Miami, though. Make him manage the Orioles so he gets booed everywhere he goes.

Me either. I don’t care what the team is. Let him manage a group of twelve year olds vying for a World Series win. Tell him a win is the only way he escapes prison and we’ll have a hell of a first season arc.


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