The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS



Someone said earlier that the hearings will be done with judiciary committee so no gaetz and no gym Jordan etc. seems like nunes is the major scumbag there

They’re on JC…this will be via intel committee

Ah yea got them mixed up, so yea fuck them they won’t be able to do shit

As an FYI, 8 GOP members of the intel committee are QAnon followers, so it won’t be much better.

Should be bukake. Question is will the public get it.

Don’t kink shame! :eagle:



They wouldn’t let me in the pizza party hurpty durr

Which part of the public should they be targeting? I think Democrats waste too much time trying to sway never-Trumpers and mushy moderates and not enough effort in trying to get liberal-leaning voters with low turnout levels agitated enough to be motivated to get to the ballot box.

Part of it is Democrats catering too much to the mainstream media, which reflexively tries to triangulate between both parties, so every time Dems move towards the media middle, the pundit class tries to adjust by moving away.

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Would marry


Who’s the odd man out?

He looks like a dumb Andy richter

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Will Hurd, but he rambled pretty close to wanting to bring up the QAnon stuff before he wriggled out of it at the Mueller hearing. So I’m not 100 percent convinced he is, but he probably is.

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If Trump somehow becomes so poisonous as to lose the GOP the senate with the map advantage they have in 2020, it would be soooooooo chefs kiss


Would be great, but I don’t trust:
A) The American people
B) That the elections will be fair

I think Trump is a goner, but the senate is still a long shot. Hope I’m proven wrong.


Oof. And it’s not like he said, “Not that I can recall.” He went all in.

“Not once, as God is my witness, not once was a Biden name — not the former vice president, not his son — ever mentioned,” Perry told the CBN News on Oct. 7. He repeated those denials in a Fox News radio interview last week.

The audio interview they refer to in the last part of the quote is WOW given where we’re at now. The host and Perry open the show with a very thinly veiled reference to Hunter Biden’s salary.

The important quote in question is around the 4:00 mark.

HH: And now my last question on this before I move onto serious, important stuff, because I think this whole quid pro quo stuff is as nutty, I mean, the Louisiana Purchase was a quid pro quo. I can’t just get over the idea that we’ve got an impeachment inquiry. Did President Trump in the almost three years you have worked for him ever ask you to do anything illegal or unethical in your eyes?

RP: No, and I’ll take it a step farther here. In our conversations dealing with this issue, I never heard the President say the words Biden. I never heard the word Biden mentioned, not from him, not from staff, not from the EU ambassador, not from Kurt Volker. Never one time was that said. I have no idea, you know, when the President said it on that phone call, the idea that somehow or another this was the main focus of his effort here, we talked about corruption almost every time we had a conversation with the Ukrainians to clean their country up so that we could have confidence that American companies that came there would be treated fairly, openly, transparently.

I guess the bolded will be his attempted way out?

And after, we get a nice indication that Perry prides himself on being one of the people Trump is referring to when he says “lots of people are saying x/y/z.”

RP: Oh, absolutely. As a matter of fact, I mentioned this to the President as we were going in right as this was breaking. We had a meeting with Zelensky at the U.N. General Assembly. And prior to that, sitting in front of a Fox News TV program that this story was just breaking, I told, the President asked me, he said what do you think about this, Perry? And I said Mr. President, you need to remember you’re talking to a governor who was indicted, a sitting governor who was indicted for doing his job in Travis County. Now we know why it was done. It was done to distract, to make it hard for me to go raise money

There’s really no other reason for Perry to resign. He knew he’d be made a fool of in a non DWTS way