The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I’d be surprised if Trump could pick Barron out of a lineup

I probably would get some joy from Trump’s emotional pain, if he even runs deep enough to feel such a thing (which I doubt), but people like him ALWAYS direct their pain and anger outward.


If ever there was a time for notsureifsrs.gif

Is Nate really lamenting the treatment of captain baby cages at a baseball game?? Like, everyone please hold off on your right to protest bc the game is about to start?

… and catching up the lady on a bike


This is a very accurate post. You can say some truly truly awful shit to narcissists and they get angry for a few hours… but they bounce right back. Like cutting + true stuff that would send a normal person into a multi month funk that could potentially lead to suicidal thoughts… and 24 hours later they are completely over it.

Also they are always mad at someone else about it. It slides right off them and there’s zero chance that they reflect on any of it. They also weirdly harbor very little hate toward the person who said it to them, but have the hatred of a thousand suns for whoever they feel ratted them out. It’s really weird. If you catch them doing something awful and you get mad they are mostly unhappy that they got caught… for about 24 hours at which point they expect you to have gotten your anger out of your system and for things to go back to normal.

I guarantee Trumps rage got vented onto everyone around him and has already burned itself out. He’s back to normal by now almost for sure.


There seems to be a collective shift happening worldwide rejecting the fascist tendencies of conservatism which I attribute to the ever present coverage of the tRUmp presidency and his hate fueled rhetoric.


It is encouraging. I hope you are right.

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Stick to numbers, pinhead.

( twitter | raw text )

Yeah he’s presiding over a the-emperor-has-no-clothes moment at global scale. He’s doing a fantastic job of exposing exactly what the far right is about. I mean he’s so far out that he’s making comedians job impossible. ‘Donald Trump is a Hitler style president’ would have made a spectacular satire if it wasn’t playing out in our horrifyingly real timeline.

Meanwhile JP Morgan just released a report saying that S&P 500 stocks profit margins are holding up just fine because of consolidation… and that they are squeezing small companies and their employees to keep it that way (textbook monopolist behavior btw). So basically it’s terrible for EVERYONE who earns more money from working than owning stock portfolios. Even moderately well off people like me who own smallish businesses are getting hurt by this trend.

I gotta say that I snap believed that JP Morgan report because it very neatly lines up with what I’ve been experiencing in the real world.

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To wit

This is “the left’s” excuse for a morning talk show.

Oh fuck them. He was having people chant ‘lock her up’ at HRC who it turned out hadn’t even done anything criminally wrong. On the other hand Trump commits major felonies on a daily basis. Chanting ‘lock him up’ is a pretty mild request for the rule of law to prevail.

Goddamn am I glad I don’t watch 24/7 news networks ever. Fuck them all. They’re all terrible, soulless, corporate whores. I hope they enjoy the Scrooge McDuck size piles of money they get paid to have worse takes than I read here every day.


At least it got a Wohlerian ratio

How the fuck is chanting “Lock him up” un-American?


And the double down

Whoever this person is nailed it in the reply:

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Isn’t the right reply that Trump is a criminal, so locking him up is wholly appropriate?


I mean there’s so much wrong you could pick from several things: Joe’s straw-manning about the First Amendment, the fact that Trump’s in the room and Hillary wasn’t, the fact that Hillary faced her accusers under oath and Trump hasn’t, the fact that Trump is explicitly condoning the Hillary stuff while the reverse is not (necessarily) true, other things I’ve not mentioned.

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Sure, if you want to spend the rest of your day arguing why everything from Whitewater to the Clinton Foundation was merely shady but not illegal.