The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

It’s a lock he says this is more important that Obama getting Osama.


Let the water carrying commence on this sacred day, the day he finally became… a killer of brown people.

Sure brown people have died under his watch, but this is the first one he can notch his belt with.

The whole killer of brown people angle here is really dumb as if killing Baghdadi was racism. This is the kind of stuff that blunts our critiques when real racism is at play. As if we don’t want Baghdadi killed? It’s hardly racism. He was a legitimate target.


Trump has a very unique definition of “brought to justice”.


but wait till trump pays himself the $25m reward.


This is laughable even by Trump standards. Pure propaganda.

Gotta make sure to thank all the dictators.

He sounds like Luca Brasi talking to Don Corleone before his daughter’s wedding.


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I’m kinda dreading seeing the next set of polls, I’m curious how many people have just been super-reluctantly forced to dip their toe into the idea of disapproving of Trump and are desperately looking for any reason to jump back on board. If his approval rating jumps by 12% or something just from this, I’m losing all faith in humanity.

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I don’t dispute that this individual at this point in time was a legitimate target. I don’t really know that but am fine accepting that as fact for the sake of the discussion. But to say that racism and imperialism and American Exceptionalism aren’t involved in the long, long, long chain of events that resulted in this guy being a legitimate target would be wrong. Aside from that, the sheer pleasure that many Americans will get from this story is absolutely intertwined with racial biases and beliefs. This will look Presidential to many people because this is what many people want from a President, and it isn’t just “protecting our nation”. Killing brown people is absolutely a part of that the same way that “America First” isn’t just about wanting America to be great. Hell I think most people are totally cool with the United States - under Obama, Trump, or whomever - extra-judicially drone-killing civilians in the Middle East.

With all that said, most people are way too thick to consider any nuance whatsoever on most topics, let alone this one, so from a messaging standpoint I agree that it’s a big loser here.



It’s direct evidence of the systemic racism perpetrated against Muslims by the United States. These terrorists don’t hate America because they hate freedom. The US has a long history of shitty decisions involving the middle east that has radicalized them, I’m not defending violence and terrorism, but thinking the USA doesn’t hold some level of responsibility in the beef is ludicrous.

Killing brown people in turbans gets his base off, it’s as racist as it gets.

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Today was the day he became president?

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People forget that even bin Laden specifically said that he hated America because of its military presence in Saudi Arabia and support of Israel–not because of Western values or culture or whatever horseshit neocons tried to make everyone believe.


Exactly, he was our ally when they were fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. Then we started giving arms to both Iraq and Iran to help Shiites kill Sunnis and vicey versey, increased our military presence in their holy lands and backed Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians to name a few.

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So what?

Let’s look at the chain of events:

Iraq annexes Kuwait
Kuwait asks for help
US stations troops in Saudi Arabia
OBL is pissed off because he is a religious nutjob
UN security council demands Iraqi withdrawal
Iraq does not comply
US frees Kuwait
US leaves

Somehow the US is at fault here?

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