The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I don’t like the idea, but if y’all are set on doing it, rather than make up a number, just trick him into retweeting the impeachment numbers. Just do the heading like he normally does with a link to the poll, then put an asterisk that notes “55% support for impeachment” at the bottom of the picture in fine print

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Remember when awval was gushing about how awesome his trip to that hotel was? Feels like 20 years ago.


LOL. The best people.

Bonus points for having BB do the work, allegedly®️

I’m telling you guys he skint, he’s hemorrhaging $ faster than softbank.


Get your resumes at the ready…

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I used to think it was funny when Peter Gammons would butt tweet ecgt&##"&_@’: and here comes Rudy saying “Hold my beer.”

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Huge infrastructure deal is on the way

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Man, I really have no idea what would happen if Barr was crazy enough to trump something up (no pun intended) and perp walk Obama in handcuffs. I think that would be a breaking point.

Edit: I put the odds of that actually happening at like 0.5-1 percent. Still the fact that there exists a nonzero chance of it is ridiculous.

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I remember a female teacher saying she voted for bill clinton because he was handsome so yes, it definitely does have some impact.


Narrator: They were not relatively good economic times.

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Watching twitter dunk on Rudy is like watching an NBA team play with a nerf hoop.


This is all part of Trump’s “flood the zone” strategy. That is, give the impeachment committee so much to work with that they are unable to vote out articles of impeachment until 2021.

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Rudy character has jumped the shark. Time for the writers to write him off the show.

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