The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

And who let ISIS be reconstituted?

I know, I know. GEE THANKS, OBAMA!

I thought ISIS was DESTROYED. Is it too early for a drink? I am at the point I cant take this shit anymore. The level of stupidity and corruption is at a level I didn’t think was possible even after we elected this assclown.

TIME FOR KURDS TO HEAD TO OIL REGION. Like what in the fuck does that even mean. It’s like a methed out baddie from Mad Max:Beyond Thunderdome is tweeting this shit.


Compare and contrast: Republicans storming the SCFF room and the actual Nazi tactics during Hitler’s rise to power.

Remember when I said last week that things were going to get steadily more outrageous until this idiot left office? Buckle up. We are headed to the breaking point for the GOP wherever that is.

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It didn’t work out that way for the Weimar Republic.

I think you are right. But I don’t think we are anywhere near the breaking point for the GOP. This Trump stuff is straight up cult level loyalty. People don’t voluntarily come to their senses and quit/leave cults very often. I mean do you really think there is some line where Hannity ever admits he was wrong? I personally don’t.


Agreed. These people aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. With or without Trump as POTUS.

The lives of our allies? Time’s up, they’re on their own.

Oil fields? We will NEVER give up! Hang in there!


The US isn’t Weimar Germany. The economic situation for starters is totally different, as is the media environment, the demographics, the technology level, the age of the democracy, as well as the norms around political violence.

@WichitaDM I agree we aren’t there yet. At the same time it’s only a matter of time before this guy breaks something important or faces an election where he’s accidentally already fucked himself. A lot of people on this board act like 2016 was some stunning triumph, but in reality he won a low turnout (for the Democrats) election vs a trash candidate. He’s really kicked over the ant pile (over and over again) since. Right now he’s testing the patience of the powers that be in his own party in a very dramatic way and has the same relationship with them a hijacker has with an airline. To say they are unhappy with him and would be overjoyed to see him fall (in some way they could be blamed for) is a ridiculous understatement.

So long story short the only seatbelt holding him in is the run of the mill Trumpkin voter. Every powerful person on earth just about wants him gone. The ones who don’t are the ones who are currently balls deep beneficiaries from his policies and are hoping to get a few more thrusts in before he expires but are already hedging their bets.

Also Trump is no Hitler. Hitler was a talented politician and organizer (although a truly terrible grand strategist). Trump is a moron. I’m a lot more worried about the guy with talent watching this all unfold thinking ‘I can do this better’ than I am about Trump. Because guess who our opponent in the 2024 general election is going to be?

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I am with you that he is a pretty large underdog to win 2020 (in a fair election). We are very very lucky there hasn’t been some global conflict or economic disaster with this clown in office. Where I disagree is there is some line he can cross where suddenly a bunch of unprincipled grifting GOP clowns will suddenly change their mind and actually turn on him without something catastrophic happening. All of these things we have spent the last 3 years talking about aren’t anywhere near what it would take to turn a GOP stooge against him.

Add in the fact that turning against Trump would immediately get these candidates booted from office the next election (90+% approval amongst republicans for Trump and it is no coincidence we see anyone with any shred of integrity resigning) and it will take something far worse than what we have seen thus far to actually get them to turn. It’s why I think the impeachment needs to be a drawn out affair that investigates all his crimes. Because there is no chance with what we know right now that we can flip 21 GOP senators or whatever. We would be lucky to flip 5. So the inquiry needs to be about politically damaging him to give us the best chance for a landslide in 2020.


I just heard on the radio that in 1876 Ulysses S Grant as president was arrested for speeding in Washington DC and brought to jail, he bailed himself out, he faced trial, lost, and paid a heavy fine. And the police officer was Black.


Why would there be a reconstituted ISIS? You destroyed them all. Oh yeah you let ten thousand bad hombres escape for Trump Tower Istanbul.

1876 sounds like peak USA to me.

And the cop has his own wiki page

Perhaps you could ask him to investigate Hunter Biden, or else!

Must have looked like a top fuel dragster as he blew past Dominic’s great grandfather.


Cop: Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?

Grant: To thank me for your freedom?

Cop: Sir, you were galloping in a trotting only zone.

Grant: What? Do you know who I am? I’ll have you know…

Cop: Sir, I’ll have to taze you and arrest you if you don’t settle down.


How fast was his horse going?

I mean to be fair Trump is the global conflict / economic crisis. Yeah I agree with pretty much your entire post, except that I think that Trump is going to keep fucking up until he first loses Fox News and then loses the base. I think it’s almost inevitable given enough time. The question is whether he has enough time.

Grant was a pretty good horseman so probably really fucking fast. And by pretty good I mean it was the first thing most people at the time noticed about him. He was exceptional at it.

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