The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

He sure does use different words. Like “I want to give police additional funding”.


But we know what he really means!


It’s funny he is attacking Biden for having a policy most people wish he actually had. Instead he might get credit when in fact his real policy is terrible.

Pretty much. Fred Jr. is so sick from the conditions his wife calls Fred Sr, approx net worth at the time $100,000,000 and he tells he he can’t help her

Near the end of the book she goes on an 10 hour tour of his grandfather’s properties with New York Times reporters.


I’m not sure how they are claiming the authority to protect monuments, but, to answer part of your question, the CPB can operate much further inland than most people realize. They can operate within 100 miles of an “external boundary” which includes oceans and means that they have the ability to operate in areas that make up 9 or the 10 largest cities and include 200 million Americans.

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Fucking crazy man.

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I think I’ve figured this out, here me out. When @Riverman see’s that no-one is posting about the live Presser by Trump his blood starts to boil as he has a meme waiting that says “Didn’t post” with the usual picture, but we ALL know Riv is definitely not the guy sitting smoking a pipe in the background.

I imagine Riv’s sitting, waiting on updates itt and when none are showing his blood pressure is rising and rising to the point that when someone posts & its not about the Presser or DiaperDonnie he folds like laundry, and out come the classics.

Kinda like the marshmallow game. :hear_no_evil:


If Trump is reelected, history books in 2025 will be saying Trump was the first US President.


Explains the unhinged rant this evening, Mary got better ratings

Okay. Thanks.


Oh this is good.


So all you need to do to get in the grift circle these days is to point a gun at some black people. Cool

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The audience of one commercials are my favorites.


The authority to protect federal monuments came from this which trump signed an executive order for at the end of June and the acting secretary of DHS, Chad (not Dick although this guy is a massive one) Wolf, created the task force.

Yea a black dude looking into the camera and telling Trump he has daddy issues is just amazing. He is gonna flip lol.

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I went into F451 expecting it to be about censorship and was thinking while reading it, “this is much more Brave New World than I thought”

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Chad Wolf.

Dick Wolf is the LAW & ORDER guy.


Excuse me, they were uppity black people.