The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

The thing about police unions is: they are full of cops.


Yeah Imagine buying a Trump family book and enriching another Trump, sad.

Wow she broke the law! When is she being arrested?

Broke the NDA by telling LIES!


Any excuse to bring up Bradbury is a good one…

Bradbury still has a lot to say, especially about how people do not understand his most literary work, Fahrenheit 451 , published in 1953. It is widely taught in junior high and high schools and is for many students the first time they learn the names Aristotle, Dickens and Tolstoy.

Now, Bradbury has decided to make news about the writing of his iconographic work and what he really meant. Fahrenheit 451 is not, he says firmly, a story about government censorship. Nor was it a response to Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose investigations had already instilled fear and stifled the creativity of thousands.

This, despite the fact that reviews, critiques and essays over the decades say that is precisely what it is all about. Even Bradbury’s authorized biographer, Sam Weller, in The Bradbury Chronicles , refers to Fahrenheit 451 as a book about censorship.

Bradbury, a man living in the creative and industrial center of reality TV and one-hour dramas, says it is, in fact, a story about how television destroys interest in reading literature.


So the true villain is the White Clown?

Edit: I just felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck thinking Bradbury predicted Trump. :pleading_face:


Lol those tax returns were real? Wow


Actually…I never read it

The White Clown was an cloying TV personality who talked directly to the viewers, and whom the protagonist’s wife loved watching on their wall-sized screens.

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Super cool that Trump’s dad got away with a 9 figure tax fraud, a more cynical observer might think the IRS is deliberately understaffed and disinclined to aggressively audit actual mega rich people


Fun, the third recent poll that kinda makes it seem like Alaska is in play: Log into Facebook | Facebook

Lol, last time Alaska went blue was 6 decades ago.

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“And I don’t! So vote for me!”

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He literally did it while in quarantine like everyone else.

It flies just fine. Unless of course celebrities are not allowed to create content while in lockdown.

I finished reading Mary Trump’s book and it was pretty good. Definitely a ton of interesting information in there it filled in a lot of blanks in Donald’s life for me.

At the same time it did seem like an exceptionally petty book and she makes her father Fred Trump Jr. seem way way better than he was. Like she went on and on about his decision to reject the family business and become a pilot, and about how he was like self made and actually succeeded on his own, forgetting to mention that he was so fucking rich he could buy and learn to fly a plane as a child, and then kind of glossing over the fact that he forced out of his job after a year, then forced out of another airline and another before slinking back to work for Fred Trump Sr. all before he turned 30.

Anyways Mary explain the Trump family in a way that made sense, for example Donald is probably so fucked up because his mother experienced serious health complications after the birth of Donald’s younger brother that would follow her for the rest of her life, and Donald was only 2.5 when this all started to happen, and so Donald’s older brother and sisters were normal while Donald became an even more insane psychopath that his father.

Whole lotta stuff about Fred Trump and how he fucked up everyone in their entire family. There was a pretty wild story about Fred Trump Jr. and his wife living in squalor in some shitty apartment at the mercy of Fred Sr. and relying on him for like an allowance, only to find out later that because of all the fucking insane tax evasion schemes that were going that they actually owned part of the building and their share was worth over a million dollars.

She also went into details of the sale of all of fred trump sr’s assets after he died, explaining that Donald, master deal maker, agreed to sell all of the assets in one fell swoop to one person for $700 million despite a bank assessing its value at over a billion, and she says they probably did that because off all the massive tax evasion that would have been uncovered had they sold everything individually.

Also Mary explains how she got screwed out of her father’s portion of the inheritance, basically when fred died his assets were suppose to be split between his children, but because mary’s father fred had died their remaining siblings and donald basically completely conspired to fuck fred jr’s kids (mary and her brother) out of the money they should have got, including Fred Trump Sr’s youngest son Robert repeatedly telling Mary trump that Fred Sr. didn’t give a shit about his grandkids.

Just an insane family and made all the more confusing by the fact that everyone was named mary, marryanne, fred, fred jr, freddy, fritz, etc


Lol let me see if I have this straight. Donald Trump’s grandfather had his own son living in squalor and he didn’t know he owned the building he was living in?

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This gives me a glimmer of hope because it is obvious he only cares about re-election and is flailing hard.

If he had stopped thinking about re election and just focused on the virus and Americans the election would have already been over.

So it is good to see him think these things will somehow save him now while he continues to nog do anything to help fight the virus.

I am just trying to figure out how we can force @Riverman to live post every briefing, if they return.


And for those who argue that he doesn’t really want to be president, THIS is why he does.

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Attn: lawbros,

Is this legit? Does the Pacific Ocean count as a border as far as the law is concerned?

ETA: But why not Marshals to protect federal property?
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