The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

How was this not already a thing? We fought a war against that flag!

I didn’t watch it but I have seen other complaints about that show and disagree.

krasinski did something for fun while in quarantine and then sold it off because he has multiple other jobs and commitments that make doing the show long term unfeasible. It was always presented as a limited run show from its inception. Nobody is forced to watch the original run and nobody is forced to watch the derivative. Also nobody was forced to share content against their will.

The grift to me seems like other people monetizing videos about it being a grift.

Never watched the show and only saw one viral segment. All the complaints I have seen have been completely unreasonable and I am not able to muster up belief this guy will be different.


This word should not be allowed.

You may be right about this specific instance. But my recollection of the criticisms of Krasinski in the video I posted bear little relation to the criticisms that you shared in your post.

I will say that I am dissapointed that you are not already familiar with Cody Johnston. Based upon what I know about you via your posting, you would enjoy his show. From a comedy perspective, it’s up there with peak Colbert. Except it’s way more progressive than Colbert.


disagree, but I blurred it out just for you.

Am I missing something? Either a joke or something about the origin of the word I didn’t know?

The, “Oh it’s just something I did for fun in my basement while in quarantine” angle doesn’t fly when you were one of the main characters on the most popular tv show of the last 2 decades and get to basically make whatever movie/tv show you want. It’s either that it was something cynical from the start, or he just doesn’t realize how much power he actually has to effect change in the world, which was why I brought it up.


Definitely both.

Not sure if he edited, but the word was the word that is used very offensively to women as a descriptor of a part of female anatomy.

I thought the word was feckless.

The word after feckless.
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That makes more sense now.
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