The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I think her favorability ratings are sky high. In terms of electability, in 2016 I had a lot of conversations with people that tried to convince me, a little desperately IMO, that Hillary would inspire record setting turnout and Dem success among women who found her inspiring and would delight in her being the first woman to be President. I don’t think those people ever even convinced themselves, let alone inspired a feminist uprising. Michele Obama is actually capable of doing that.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m looking at the VP pick in terms of net votes over replacement. I think Michelle would be a strong pick, stronger than some of the top choices currently. I also think the Dem turnout is going to be very high regardless and the VP pick has the potential to bump that slightly and/or bump Republican turnout by a larger margin.

Edit: this topic probably belongs in the Biden VP thread. Sorry for contributing to a potential derail, mods.

Agreed. Also agree that she’d steamroll if she wanted to be on the ticket.


The VP needs to be an inoffensive, innocuous pick when you’re in the lead. The name Obama just pisses some people off.


The people who hate Obama are all diehard MAGAtards. The only beneficial effect hatred of Obama would have for the GOP would be to slightly boost their fundraising. But that cuts both ways, and putting Michelle on the ticket would boost Democratic fundraising and gotv.

It’s clearly better to have someone with ~100% approval in your party and ~70% approval among independents (source, for Barack, but Michelle is surely similar) than a no-name quantity.

Inanimate Carbon Rod for VP!


Can’t nominate Michelle Obama because she might expose her shoulders, unlike the current press secretary.

Carbon. Really? Have you heard of Global Warming?


It’s hard to argue that it’s safe enough to have school but not safe enough to have election. Not that logical consistency has ever mattered with this guy (but it will, or should, matter in court).

He is really stupid. He surrounds himself with really stupid people. All of this is the inevitable outcome of having really stupid people running the show.


Seems pretty clear this is a likely outcome and the reason behind his push to discredit mail in voting while simultaneously trying to destroy the USPS.

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The USPS shenanigans is definitely election-related, and I think your theory is basically correct.

Downplaying the virus though is about the economy and Trump’s approval being partly tied to it. He would unquestionably be in a far better spot today if he got out in front of the virus and acted all presidential and statesmanly and shit. Nearly every leader in the world and most governors have seen a big approval bump because of Covid. Cuomo has done a pretty bad job overall with Covid, but the optics have been good for him so he’s seeing a huge bump. This was a layup for Trump that could have won him the election without needing to cheat, but he’s far too stupid to do basic normal stuff when he should.

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Pretty complicated for Idiocracy.

They are dishonest people. I would guess the genesis was Trump asking how they could cheat with vote by mail.

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The postal system is falling apart because it’s staffed by corrupt scam artists, let’s not pretend it’s part of some organized plan on the part of Trump.

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Attacking mail-in ballots then doing everything you can to muck up the USPS and how they operate is not a complicated plan or particularly difficult to execute


It’s the exact same thing the GOP did with ACA

Economy and virus-wise Trump probably is on the phone with all sorts of deplorable CEOs all the time who say “open for business”. Not only are these people his donors, he thinks rich=smart.

Open for business → better economy → win election

Is already too complicated for him. Some rich obnoxious cigar chomping ahole on the golf course told Trump the shutdown was killing him.

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less than 3 in 10 independents who are worried about a family member being infected approve of Trump’s handling of the outbreak; approval more than doubles among independents who are not worried.

Luckily for trump, the virus is going away quickly and won’t affect many more people

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Wtf at people worrying about how the Obama name would drive turnout? You mean the way Obama drove turnout in 2008 and 2012? Or the way Biden is crushing in polls by just riding the coattails of being Obama’s VP? Because I’m good with us driving that kind of turnout.

Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton have about nothing in common other than being First Ladies from the same party.