The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I was gonna say LBJ had them, but fuck that, Jimmy Carter was a god damned Tyrannosaurus. He basically sacrificed his Presidency to save the economy and turned us in a direction that would have seriously mitigated climate change. Americans were too dumb though and said “lol malaise”.

eta: Most of you not alive for LBJ, I barely was.


Malia2040 says screw you!

The first Harrison was the president that died after 31 days in office. Fun fact—his VP the 10th president, John Tyler, born in 1790, has two living grandchildren.


For some of them they still like to carry their racism a couple of levels deep. They don’t hate it but they are definitely going to clutch their pearls, ever so slightly, in public.

The Harrison Presidency’s! One died after 31 days in office, the other is widely regarded as one of the worst Presidents of all time. Still ok ranking them above the Bush Presidency’s.


Now trump is fighting against “polices”?

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I thought my grandfather born in 1878 was something


Well, would Trump’s presidency have been better if he had died after 31 days in office? You decide.



I skipped like 900 posts (5-6 days) for sanity. Anything happen that I really need to know?

I mean, I assume we got him, but other than that…


Michelle would rally the base, but don’t underestimate the hatred of the Obamas from the right.

I still remember the day I learned that my uncle, a truly fine gentleman if you didn’t know his politics, was a political deplorable.

There was a clip on TV about Obama, then still president. My uncle, who up until that point I had never heard say a single negative word about anyone, commented: “He is a very arrogant man.”

The words were mild but there was a shocking undertone of seething, hatred, and flat-out racism as he said it.

I’m sure his sentiment would apply equally to Michelle and that there are millions more who feel just like he does.


Goya beans got added as an inalienable right in the constitution by EO. That pretty much summarizes this week in Trumplandia.

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This made me tingle a little:


Have we ever seen anything from Michelle O to indicate that she’s anything other than a league average neolib? Also like Micro said, that’s enough of the dynasty shit.

I’m just saying if she gave a solitary fuck she could solve climate change. She’s probably the only single human being in the world who could at this point. The fact that instead she’s starting a podcast lends some credence to your assumption.


Michelle would certainly rally up a specific portion of the Dem electorate, mainly those who are nostalgic for the Obama years based on optics more than policy. The people who love how human and seemingly compassionate the Obama’s are, but couldn’t tell you one thing about how his administration actually governed. On the flip side, she would absolutely drive Republican turnout higher than the average VP pick would. Republicans HATE the Obama’s, maybe as much as Hillary.

Side note: I had a weird dream last night that included Kamala releasing a commercial hinting at her being the VP nominee. “Joe’s got a secret he’s ready to share, and that secret is Kamala”. The dem messaging sucks even in my dreams :pensive:


Independents like the Obamas, which is why she would be a strong pick. If Barack was running right now, we’d see the first 10+ point popular vote margin since before I was born.

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