The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

You should care a lot. It’s those pretend rich people that pick the candidates and policies.

Lol sorry Kray. It was you. Haha. I knew I read it I just didn’t remember where.

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I’m way more concerned with what the politicians do for the money than I am with what they do with it or how much of it there is… was literally my first sentence from that post. I’m a lot more concerned with who is giving them money and why than I am with how much. The amounts are irrelevant.

The amounts are relevant because most of the populace is priced out.

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They were always going to be priced out unless they gathered together… which is what they are doing now incidentally and suddenly grass roots fundraising seems to REALLY matter.

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I feel like a well placed trail of McDonald’s hamberders could lead him to mar a lago.

He obviously won’t go to New York and be reminded that Black Lives Matter.

I do want to know what state will be lucky to be the home for the Trump Presidential Library.


Summit County Colorado’s newspaper where I lived once has an article about Frisco painting a BLM mural on the street. Lawnmowers are in orbit. I should have known there were that many deplorables there but holy shit.


Trump Library will probably be in Florida and 100% of the books will be by Trump (ghostwriters) and they’ll all be for sale. Trump Presidential Bookstore and Gift Shop.


Just a reminder that all these people obsessed with pedophilia conspiracies have done jack shit about mass child mistreatment and molestation at border camps and could literally not care less about it.


So what would be the importance of volunteers going out to be poll watchers. Traditionally poll watching seems to be the domain of the elderly, at least in my experience.

Seems like it will be less so in a nationwide presidential election in a five alarm virus disaster that especially harms older people.

I guess my question is does the process allow for randoms to be poll watchers and would it make a difference having non horrible people there. I assume yes but am really ignorant on the subject.

I see that SCOTUS did not stay the Florida workaround to keep felons from voting.

Mark Cuban needs to put his money where his mouth is. I don’t know what the total is but I assume it’s pocket change for him.



Bloomberg too.

Good for Biden but it is fucking ridiculous billions of dollars are burned in a US Presidential Election. Everything about the system is wrong.

This is why we regularly have children, wives and VPs as Presidents. It is such a financial undertaking it has the same risk aversion of a movie studio and a summer block office release. (Archeologist foot note: A long time ago there used to be these buildings called movie theaters where they would project movies on a large screen in front of a shared audience).


taken from Rupar, amazing:



  • rules vary by state
  • the threshold for being a poll watcher is generally pretty low (registered to vote, not an elected official, must apply and be approved in advance, etc.)
  • primary job is to literally watch and sometimes report on what is happening, especially if there are any shenanigans like trying to close sites early, allowing campaigning too close to the building,etc.
  • if you’re interested, best source for info is probably your local chapter of the Democratic party.

Also, monitors are different than the poll workers (who are often volunteers) who actually run the elections (setting up the machines, checking people in, etc). Like you said, a lot of those people are older, and one of the reasons so many voting sites have been closed during recent primaries is because of a lack of poll workers. I’m not going to tell anyone what to do with their health, but young healthy folks might want to consider stepping up to volunteer for some of these positions in November.


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She longs for the old republicans. The ones who spent decades hammering home science denial and creating an environment where the likes of trump could get elected. The reason we are in the pickle where half the country does not believe the numbers and think the virus is a dem plot and wont take a vaccine because bill gates is putting a chip in it is because of those old republicans she longs for.

Not to mention their war mongering.


Nancy longs for the days of Jesse Helms and Ronald Reagan when the evil old white men didn’t make it so god damn obvious.


Just shy of 1 million copies in one day.

For comparison, John Bolton’s book sold about 780k copies in one WEEK lol