The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Ah yes, previous Republican admins, famous for believing in science. That’s why the Republican Party has been a world leader in addressing climate change.

And of course it’s a complete genius move for Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democratic Party, to publicly yearn for Republican presidents. There is surely no evidence that the Democratic party elite have conservative tendencies. They surely wouldn’t do anything like approve Republican military budgets.

If I were a Canadian that knew next to nothing about American politics, I would simply shut the fuck up.


It’s possible, but I doubt he refuses to leave. He will certainly say it’s rigged and it will be a nerve wracking two and a half months.

Hey Nancy, just don’t talk please.



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Meh, her frame of reference on republicans in the future is going to be to compare them to Trump and she probably will work with Republicans that she wouldn’t have worked with before. I think it was just last year where she said she wishes she could have Bush as president or something along those lines because Trump sucks and that was pre covid

Just because Trump is horrible doesn’t mean she should forget about how horrible most republicans have been in the last couple of decades. She has a lot more in common with republican politicians than any regular person off the street and is perfectly fine with a lot of things they push for because at the end of the day she will always live comfortably no matter who is in charge


All of this is likely true but she didn’t say any of it the quote.

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I mean, I think it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t mean she wants a Republican president. Trump is just so bad that at this point, she’d take any other Republican president because there was at least some glimpse of a human being in them. Like she’d rather go back to dealing with shitty Republican presidents who were just regular shitty instead of King Piece of Shit.

crossposting @mosdef from war on voting thread.

This shit is a joke man:

Depending on the state, poll watchers enlisted by political parties can challenge a voter’s eligibility based on their address, citizenship, and even the date they registered to vote. Michigan law, for instance, says poll watchers need only “good reason” to pull a prospective voter out of line and challenge their eligibility. North Carolina allows anyone registered to vote with “good moral character” (whatever that means) to work as a poll watcher. Even in Oregon and Washington state, where elections are conducted by mail, poll watchers can observe county clerks count mail-in ballots and make challenges when they see fit.


Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere!


Sounds like we should send our own poll watchers honestly. I have my doubts that this will actually happen at too aggressive a level. If there’s one thing I’ve experienced first hand it’s the true cowardice of racists… particularly when confronted by larger numbers of black people.

Our side has dominated the street level for weeks now. I’m not super stressed about that continuing through November. We have way more than the 3% of the population they are always going on about. I double dog dare someone to try to poll watcher anyone in my eye/sight line on election day (assuming I don’t just vote by mail, which is what everyone should attempt to do).


Biden has $240M cash on hand. I wonder how much unspent cash Trump has?

The amount spent on your elections is seriously criminal. It’s an unreal waste.


United States presidents have often kept pets while in office, or pets have been part of their families. Donald Trump is the first president since James K. Polk to not have a presidential pet while in office.


I’m way more concerned with what the politicians do for the money than I am with what they do with it or how much of it there is. It’s a few billion every four years on who gets to helm a 20+T dollar global economy and the worlds dominant military power. In the same way that shareholders don’t care that the CEO makes 100M a year for a 50B+ conglomerate I don’t care about the cost of presidential elections. It’s all pretend rich people money anyway.

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Bill Barr tho

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They were trying to have a Texas GOP convention in Houston and looked at it as a test run but last I heard was Houston was refusing to allow it and the Texas GOP was suing the venue which is at least partially publicly known.

Guess I need to check and see what the current status is.

Edit: they lost their legal challenge which I figured would happen. I didn’t see how they could have forced the venue to hold the event.

They are doing the Texas GOP convention virtually.


Seems like Hogan is positioning himself to run in 2024 as the “reasonable Republican” who went against Trump during this whole madness.

So many nationwide actions could have been taken in those early days but weren’t. While other countries were racing ahead with well-coordinated testing regimes, the Trump administration bungled the effort. The test used by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention early on was fraught with inaccuracies, and onerous regulations hindered the nation’s private labs. The resulting disorganization would delay mass testing for almost two months and leave the nation largely in the dark as the epidemic spread.

Meanwhile, instead of listening to his own public health experts, the president was talking and tweeting like a man more concerned about boosting the stock market or his reelection plans.

Spent some of that money on someone who knows better than to put hivens in front of numbers.

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pretty sure i saw that the TX supreme court ruled against GOP in the last couple days on that.

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It’s not the waste, but the influence that’s the problem. What’s wasted? People who would do nothing but make ads for crappy junk are making ads for crappy people. It’s not like the workers on campaigns were going to fix bridges or find vaccines.