The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Posting a bunch of Jim Acosta dunks is really missing the reality of what is going on. Don’t you think?

It is literally meant to allow simpleton Dems to jack off while they ignore what is really happening.

I suspect reality is worse than you realize. Trump is a symptom, humanity is the problem.

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He’s completely incapable of either. Sleep well tonight.


Firmly disagree. Plenty of human civilizations are doing it better as we speak.

In fact the rest of the world is looking on in horror. Partially at the Trump shitshow and partially because some think Jim Acosta quips are relevant or might be anything but a security blanket for the morons unwittingly enabling everything here.

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Then there’s Russia, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, the Philippines, Israel, Turkey, the Middle East, China (dictator for life). Trump is bad, very bad, but even if he lost by 30 points in 2016 it would still be an indictment of humanity. So let me enjoy the dunks as the world burns and the righteous find ways to light themselves on fire.


Fake Doctor Gorka back in the administration is bad news for everyone. But, it is good news for those who like a little light trolling about the size of his head…

My favorite was when someone over the course of a few weeks was slowly increasing the size of Gorka’s head in his Wikipedia picture.


Yo, I think you meant to post that in the sexism thread.


Just your list of “worse” countries proves my point. I would quibble with you on a few of those but surely we would both agree comparing us to Israel or Russia isn’t much of an endorsement.

My point ultimately is there has been far too much focus on twitter dunks, impeachment proceedings, 1000 laws passed in the house while anything virtuous that ever existed here has slipped away. It is meaningless man and it pisses me off that somehow the best our side can do is Jim Fucking Acosta getting off a sweet zinger that makes some of us sleep better at night.

I actually agree we don’t need to be righteous. Quite the opposite.

ETA - Also I know I am being a dick. I don’t mean to but I can’t help it. And you didn’t create this situation. But I am fed the fuck up. Fed up with Covid, Trump, the Dems, CNN, and everyother shit organization and person that got us here. 5 years into Trump and our side STILL thinks the next reporter question, the next CNN anchor quip, the next investigation by Schiff, the next openly racist Trump tweet, the next norm broken, the next career civil servant humilated and fired, the next openly tranparently corrupt thing, the next traitorous act and on and on will matter. And all of that is enabling this horrible reality. Where one side does the twitter dunks while the other breaks every law, rule and norm in an open power grab. It’s insane and glorifying the twitter whores who act like it matters is a huge part of the problem.


Trump Twittersphere caption: “Daddy’s dream finally realized.”

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I got this mental image of MAGA chuds eating cans of Goya beans straight from the tin like Rorschach from The Watchmen.

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Please don’t post pictures like this. That is a general request from me.


Likes for both of you. I vacillate between enjoying any dunking to wondering why the fuck the number one question at the press conference wasn’t about Russian bounties.


Just cleaned house @ Radio Free Europe, so I guess it was time to focus on a new continent.

I’ve said it many times before and I’m going to say it again: the most important part of being a serious-business journalist in this era is pretending to be being completely fucking oblivious at all times. Why would Trump suppress the free media and allow a fascist regime to oppress Muslims? WOAH IT MAKES NO SENSE.

I dunno, that’s quite a mystery you’ve posed to us today, Mei Fong. If you’ve been huffing paint thinner nonstop for the past four years I can see why the fascist racist asshole president doing the fascism and racism on Muslims is confusing to you, but as for me I’m wondering why all of this wasn’t shut down years ago.

I’m being very harsh on Ms. Fong here because I’m kind of an asshole, but also we can’t afford to be this naive in 2020. Trump is shutting down Radio Free America because he’s a Nazi. Full stop. None of this should be remotely surprising to anyone. Stop reporting on this shit like it comes out of nowhere, get your fucking head in the game.



Travel more and you’ll see how wrong you were.

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The west is doing a better job of promoting general prosperity and human rights and dignity than most of asia, india, africa, or south america. I find your comment boderline incoherent. What concept of human flourishing includes much of the world but not the west?


Your conservative nihilism in saying that humanity is the problem is refuted by many communities around the world.