The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Good job keeping your young brother out of the fray. I remember how crazy they got one someone said Barron is not a baron.

Even more important, good job setting the expectations bar as low as possible, nitwit. By the time the debates roll around, as long as Biden doesn’t literally collapse on the stage, pee his pants, or wander through the crowd fondling audience members, the media will happily say he crushed it.


The O’Doyle family currently rules America. I for one can’t wait for their car to hit the banana peel.


I still don’t understand what he’s charged with here, these articles all suck. Is it literally just that he used the wrong address to register to vote in some local city council race that wasn’t his own?

In 2017, Watkins listed a West Topeka address on a voter form. Then in August of 2018, just months before he was elected to congress, he listed an address in Southeast Topeka.

Yet on three different voter forms he used the address of a Topeka UPS store, where his staff said he has mail sent.

That’s where the controversy comes in. The UPS store is in Topeka’s 8th city council district, where Watkins voted in last month’s election. But the Overlook Apartment, where his staff said he lives, is in District 9.

The relevant issue is that the voter registration form states that false information may be punished as perjury. And Watkins has previous questions about his residency.

Watkins faced a wave of skepticism during his 2018 campaign because of his ownership of two homes in Alaska and lack of ownership of a house in Kansas. During the past two years, Watkins claimed on election documents that he lived in Topeka rental homes. Officially, he left the last of those residences at 320 S.E. 44th St. by designating the UPS Store as his home.

On Aug. 30, Watkins filed with the state’s division of motor vehicles a change of residential address related to his voter registration. His official residence became the UPS business at 6021 S.W. 29th St., Suite A150. He requested a mail-in ballot for that address in west Topeka on Oct. 28, but he directed the ballot to be sent to a private residence in Washington, D.C., which was the home of Joice, the congressman’s chief of staff.
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This election is a referendum on the performance of - Joe Biden! That sounds right to me.


Wait so hospitals actually have to comply? That’s fucking insane. I wonder how many people besides the complete rubes will believe the white house numbers. I feel like a lot of moderates still haven’t come to terms with how insanely corrupt everything tied to the admin is.

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It really is brilliant (brilliantly corrupt I guess) how effective this formula is. [Brand] does something in support of Trump, immediately gets free advertising blasted out to all Trump supporters.
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It’s nice that the President takes us along for the ride during his morning TV therapy sessions.


Pascrell Blasts Latest Trump USPS Sabotage

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) today reacted to a report in the Washington Post confirming allegations that the new political leadership of the United States Postal Service (USPS) is forcing its employees to deliberately delay mail deliveries to Americans.

“The deliberate delaying of Americans’ mail delivery would be a stunning act of sabotage against our postal service,” said Rep. Pascrell, of the USPS’s biggest champions in Congress . “If these reports are accurate, Trump and his cronies are openly seeking to destroy the post office during the worst public health crisis in a century. Attacks on USPS not only threaten our economy and the jobs of 600,000 workers. With states now reliant on voting by mail to continue elections during the pandemic, the destabilizing of the post office is a direct attack on American democracy itself. It has been 58 days since the House passed $25 billion to help keep USPS alive. The Senate must pass the HEORES Act now. Democracy hangs in the balance.”

Pascrell followed up his press release with a simple addendum, adding:

“By the way, we on the Democrat side of the House are very, very, very, very, very, very, very concerned about this and trust me when I say - we left a message with the White House that this REALLY doesn’t sit well with us”


7 verys ought to make a real difference.