The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

“Coolest mask ever! How do I get one?”

Get elected president. Easy game.

Also, intense maskulinity!


If trump starts wearing a mask regularly we are 100% going to see a 180 flip with complete memory holing of any past opposition to masks from the maga freaks. But will the libs become anti mask? Their trump obsession is enough to make them adore W Bush who they hated for decades and embrace basically the entire Bush Whitehouse and most of those let go from the trump Whitehouse (for felonies or gross incompetence) as proud #resistance members. I hope there’s enough sanity there that we won’t see it but I wouldn’t want to bet against it.


Lady didn’t get the memo.

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Man I’d love to get that lady’s reaction to her god wearing a mask yesterday. The cognitive dissonance may literally short circuit her brai…err whatever it is that’s rattling around inside her head.

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The Democratic response to Trump wearing a mask ought to be intensely partisan. They need to allow him no face-saving way of reversing course on masks or COVID or anything. He should be sarcastically applauded for caving in. If that makes him mad so that he decides he won’t wear a mask anymore and be even more virulently anti-mask, then so be it. Nothing he does should be allowed to be seen as some sort of victory.


This promise won’t last long. I give her a week before she’s shitting on her parents again.

Either that or she’s opened a private account under a false identity that her parents don’t know about so she can shit on them there.

“I’m glad that the president has decided to follow Joe Bidens lead in the example Joe set 4 months ago. Trump is and always has been a follower, not a leader. It’s good that he has finally come around to accept that mask wearing is vitally important, but it is a true shame that in the months he refused to do so he caused tens of thousands of his supporters to die unnecessarily.”

Acknowledge that him wearing a mask is good. Dont give him any credit beyond that, and don’t let anyone erase his irresponsible behavior thus far.


I’d create the narrative that Trump was a pussy who gave into the wishes of his advisors instead of making his own decisions. And I get that “pussy” is problematic language for some, but the point I want to get across is that Trump is doing the opposite of being strong and virile and masculine by wearing a mask because he hates being perceived that way and I want to troll the fuck out of him.


It‘s just going to be: „well of course he wore one in a hospital where there are lots of sick people. Why should we wear masks in supermarkets around perfectly healthy people though.“

As this is going Tonne a one time stunt by the president, there is no cognitive dissonance to be overcome (well not much anyway).

Also be prepared for a victory lap of „I wore a mask at the hospital and still Fake News ask me why I don‘t wear a mask in other places. There is no end to their presidential harassment. Enemy of the people.“


I’m really not sure about this. The people I argue with on Facebook are still calling the whole thing a hoax even after I showed them that Trump no longer thinks that. I have people saying Trump has to say certain things to go along with the deep state (or something like that, it obviously didn’t make much sense). Lots of these people have remained committed to right wing propaganda / conspiracy theories even after being shown Trump’s own words acknowledging the virus is a real threat.

My wife and I took the English test for Canada in 2017. We applied for expedited entry but were denied and now our results have expired. I don’t think emigrating to Canada is as easy as we might imagine unless you have a profession that’s in demand.

Maybe if we’re lucky in a few years they’ll let us in as refugees and not throw us in cages.


Would we better off on Canadian cages?


I’m about 50/50 that I could convince my current employer to let me work remotely from Canada, wonder how that goes on the application.

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If Canada offered to open a quarantine refugee camp where, for a fee, Americans could wait out COVID, but wouldn’t be allowed to cross over into the rest of Canada, how much money could they rake in?

I’m imagining what amounts to a temporary trailer park just across the border in Saskatchewan.

My “plan” (which is too preliminary to even call it that) is to get in through Quebec. From what I’ve heard, they’ve got some easier back doors. If you can speak French well enough to pass that exam, it will help a ton.

Phase two of the “plan” involves getting from Quebec to settling in Vancouver. That might take a while.

I’m gonna sneak across the border and just say “eh” and “abooot” a lot.


I am going to ride a moose across the border and tell them he ran away from my lovely Canadian home and I am just retiring him.


And soorry! Don’t forget soorry. Even if they catch you, just say I’m soorry over and over and they’ll be like ah, well, it appears he was Canadian after all. No boorish American would ever say they were soorry, especially more than once.


Can’t you just buy property or a business like a carwash and get auto entry? Isn’t it like that in most countries?