The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I never did understand all the references to Gpd given the alleged separation of church and state. I don’t think any references like that should be part of the US government


If I could turn back time…


12 speakers at RNC, 6 Trumps. Lololololol


“All he wants to do is appeal to his base,” Barry said in a conversation secretly recorded by her niece, Mary L. Trump. “He has no principles. None. None. And his base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this.”

Barry, 83, was aghast at how her 74-year-old brother operated as president. “His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God,” she said. “I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”

At one point Barry said to her niece, “It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel.”

Barry told how she tried to help her brother get into college. “He was a brat,” Barry said, explaining that “I did his homework for him” and “I drove him around New York City to try to get him into college.”

Then Barry dropped what Mary considered a bombshell: “He went to Fordham for one year [actually two years] and then he got into University of Pennsylvania because he had somebody take the exams.”

“Donald is out for Donald, period,” Barry said.

Mary questioned Barry about what he had accomplished on his own.

“I don’t know,” Barry said.

“Nothing,” Mary responded.

“Well he has five bankruptcies,” Barry said. (Trump’s companies filed for six corporate bankruptcies but he has never declared personal bankruptcy.)

“Good point. He did accomplish those all by his self,” Mary said.

“Yes, he did. Yes, he did. You can’t trust him,” Barry said.

Maryanne said on another occasion that her brother kept asking about Fox News. One day, Barry said, the president called her and said, “Did you watch Fox News?”

“No,” Barry said she told the president.

“Why not?” he said.

“I don’t watch much television at all,” Barry said she responded.

“What do you do?” the president asked.

“I read,” Barry replied.

“What do you read?” the president said.

“Books,” Barry said.

The president was incredulous. “You don’t watch Fox?”


Why can’t we have Barry Trump as president?

(Why am I still learning about new trumps)

Maryanne Trump Barry is the president’s sister, former Judge


Nothing is quite as relatable to the Republican base as being despised by your own family.

Remember when Representative Paul Gosar’s siblings ran that ad in 2018 saying “my brother is actual garbage, WOAT human, worse than Bill Cosby” (paraphrased from memory)? Well he went on to win by 40 points in a blue wave, so I think it actually gave him a boost.


the best family plea against a candidate of all time has been Kim Kardashian tbh


I like that it was written by a socialist and poking right wingers with that fun fact. That is about all that is good about it.


There shouldn’t be. It’s straight up jingoistic propaganda.

I’ve taught in four countries and none of them have a pledge of allegiance. None of them give too much of a shit about their flag either aside from a few days a year.


IANAL but my understanding is the Constitution allows for the government’s mention of a “God” but the separation of church and state comes in when the government appears to give preference to one religion over another.
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Didn’t they add “under God” at the height of the ‘50s Red Scare?

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The flag thing in tthe US is so true. I think in my life I could count on one hand the number of Canadian flags I’ve see outside a government property. Other than Canada Day nobody wears or hangs our flag.
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What riots? The ones that ended like 6 weeks ago?

International hockey tournaments

Only 4 of the largest 25 cities in the country are Republican run. No shit that a majority of protests in cities are in Democratic cities. It’s called math. It’s so stupid that this talking point actually works on people.