The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Yep, and the niece was a major source for the original Times investigation.

House 2 down from me put a trump/pence sign in their yard this week.

I’ve had thoughts about tearing it down, but really they did me a favor letting me know who they are.

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I don’t understand why Trump’s sister retiring stops the investigation. Claw back her pension.

Also can a future president rescind awards given by a past president? Would love to see Rush lose his medal of freedom.

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If it makes you feel better we have ridiculous lawbros in the Philippines too.

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The basic reason is because retired judges are outside the jurisdiction of a judicial council. This could be changed by the Judicial Conference of the United States or by Congress, but so far has not been fixed.

If Congress were to fix this, they should also fix their loophole allowing members of Congress to end an ethics investigation by resigning. For example, although the “throuple” stuff got the salacious headlines, Katie Hill was under investigation for a separate accusation that she had an affair with a male staffer…until her resignation ended the investigation.

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The monumentally infuriating irony here is that the exact same people screaming at the tops of their lungs for TORT REFORM, who want to make it harder if not completely impossible for you and I to even get a token chance in court a justice for actual wrongs done to us by corporate shitbags are the EXACT SAME FUCKHEADS gaming the system to protect this piece of shit and others just like him.

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She must be at least two bottles in at this point

"“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Do we know where DS was at the time?


Someone tell her dad makes 20x mom…

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For strict father morality to gain and maintain political power, disunity is required.

First, there is economic disunity, the two-tier economy with the “unworthy” poor remaining poor and serving the “deserving” rich. But to stay in power, conservatives need the support of the conservative poor. That is, they need a significant percentage of the poor and middle class to vote against their economic interests and for their individual, social, and religious interests. This means that what appears to be a division among conservatives on the basis of domains of interest is required for conservatism to reign.

This has been achieved through the recognition that many working people and evangelical Protestants have a strict father morality in their families or religious lives. Conservative intellectuals have realized that these are the same values that drive political conservatism. They have also realized that people vote their values and their identities more than their economic self-interests.

What they have done is to create, via framing and language, a link between strict father morality in the family and religion on the one hand and conservative politics and business on the other. This conceptual link must be so emotionally strong in those who are not wealthy that it can overcome economic self-interest.

Their method for achieving this has been the cultural civil war—a civil war carried out with everything short of live ammunition—pitting Americans with strict father morality (called conservatives) against Americans with nurturant parent morality (the hated liberals), who are portrayed as threatening the way of life and the cultural, religious, and personal identities of conservatives.


It’s hard to quantify the present value of post-Trump grifiting that KAC can take advantage of.

It’s not insane to think that after accounting for that she may be ahead of George, or at least closer.

I don’t personally think that, but it’s not crazy.

No way. He legitimately makes at least $4 million a year.

It’s not inconcievable she could get a multimillion dollar per year contract doing some sort of Judge Jeanine type show after Trump is done.

And that is just one of the many possible grift revenue streams.

The one useful thing this Trump administration has taught me:

If I’m ever caught in a lie, double down!


I suppose it’s possible.

What I truly can’t wrap my head around is completely debasing yourself for Donald fucking Trump while your family crumbles.

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If I had my way, Trump supporters would have to wear their god damn red hats for the rest of their pecker sucking lives.