The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Yea, there were many straws on this particular camel’s back, but this sealed the deal when it came to hitting the ignore button. I mean, c’mon man.

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The body of Abraham Lincoln lay in state in the East Room in 1865. Three years earlier, Lincoln’s 11-year-old son Willie’s funeral was also held in the East Room. In 1963, John F. Kennedy lay in state in the East Room.

Trump probably wants to go through his brother’s pockets.


Seems impossible, Trump tells me he has 96% approval in the Republican Party.


Some history on the USPS debacle :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

That means the postal service is now paying for the future health care of retirees it has not yet hired, and who in some cases have not yet been born. No other public or private company in the nation bears any kind of financial burden like that.

Even worse, none of that money is truly being set aside. Instead, it is going directly into the U.S. government’s general fund, and it’s being spent on current government operations. The set-aside is a theoretical accounting gimmick. Those future retirement liabilities are actually being added to the national debt.

Hmm. That sounds awful, but the bill was bipartisan, so I assume there was some sort of good-faith agreement for the two parties to pass the–

Shyamalan enters with a twist

The surprising thing I heard from Davis was that he agrees the future-funding retirement provision was crazy. That was never in the original legislation, he said.

Instead, the 90-page bill made a bunch of bureaucratic changes, few of which the average American would give a hoot about. It also placed a temporary moratorium on rate increases and established a less cumbersome system under which rates could be increased moving forward.
Somewhat ironically, the bill was intended to help the Postal Service be more competitive for the future, Davis said. But late in the game, the Bush White House threatened to veto it unless Congress added the future-funding-for-retirees provision.

Congress went along because at the time it seemed like it was a better option than having the entire bill defeated, Davis said.

“That was the cost of getting the bill through,” Davis said. The Bush administration used the revenue it gained to help balance the budget.


Republicans are now the party of racist white men, greedy billionaires, and nobody else. Democrats are now the party of everyone else.

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Run this, run Joe Biden racing past the reporter on his bike, and then either say, “Wait, who’s supposed to be too feeble to be POTUS?” Or “I’m Joe Biden, and I approved this message because unlike some, I’m not scared to ride a bike or to put the American people first and make the tough decisions. America deserves a fearless leader, not a draft dodging coward who hides in a bunker.”

No, The Lincoln Project should run that shit, as should super pac’s aligned with Biden. Biden himself should stay largely positive. That’s the way to play it.


I’d have a bunch a BMX’ers doing jumps on the loop and stuff with Joe superimposed highfiving them as they pass the top.

Then have him riding off saying, hurt lol, I just keep getting back up. And him waving as the camera pins at his back.

It could then follow as a message to mean that we’ve all took knocks in 2020 and its time to rectify a few.

Thanks. I’ve shared this before but for those didn’t see it, I got that knock on my door January 20, 2008 about 5:30 in the morning. 19 years old. Drugs, fast car, speed, some mental health issues and one very bad decision. He went from the best he’d been in 4 years around Thanksgiving and Christmas to total chaos by New Years and gone in 3 weeks with a instant end in a car crash.

It’s an awful club to belong too, and for some reason we easily find each other. I would have done the same exact thing, though being a few years ahead of Joe I would probably have reached out to comfort him.

After the last four years I just want good people in charge.

( twitter | raw text )

Lol our legal system. Lose on everything for 4 entire years without any consequences whatsoever.


This tweet right after Danspartan’s post is a sick joke.

There are a lot racist white women–don’t be selling them short.


The lawbros promise it’s about to start mattering!

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Except the racist ones that Donnie Dumb Dumb to keep those people out of their neighborhoods.

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