The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop


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Starving yourself to own the libs


No, let’s not relitigate the Holodomor.



Come on people, I’ve fasted 10 days. Jesus did 40. It’s not that hard. Cough up that cash!


I have a feeling that it would be more Biden thinking that universal healthcare wouldn’t have a chance to get anywhere in Congress rather than it not working in and of itself. My main support for that statement are my parents, who I would classify as moderate Dems. When we discussed our preferred candidates, they preferred someone like Biden because they felt incremental change was more realistic than balls to the wall goals like Sanders or Warren have.

I could be wrong, just spitballing.


This is good. What a bunch of cowards.

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The video is good, but your pony sucks.


ghandi did it. are you saying you’re not tougher than ghandi?? guy weighed like 80 pounds and had 0% muscle mass. and that didn’t even kill him! they had to shoot him!


Reminder: George W Bush is a piece of shit



That’s a remarkable insight. Too bad it doesn’t have any practical application.


my neighbor’s biden lawn sign has been ripped off its thin metal lawn wires. i don’t THINK the owners of the house ripped it off in disgust after his speech last night. probably some maniac trump supporter triggered out of his mind by a simple lawn sign. but this is why i’ll never put up a lawn sign.

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He’s an incrementalist but improving as he ages. He made the first move on gay marriage to just go for it. But he probably was for or at least ok with the defense of marriage act. Certainly way behind on incarceration.

In an interview with Fox News on Friday morning, Vice President Pence criticized Biden and the Democratic convention broadly for offering “a very, very negative view of America.” For example, no mention was made, he said, of “the violence that’s besetting the families in major cities across this country.”

they should be more positive. talk about all the great violence happening in america

Trump’s campaign strategy in 2016 was to present everything as terrible and himself as the best solution. That meant accepting his unpopularity but emphasizing Clinton’s. It meant casting the country as teetering.

His strategy now, weirdly, is the same. Attacks on Biden as horrifying and socialist and anarchic and doddering, all at once. Paint a picture of a nation more precarious than the one he criticized four years ago. Yet offer himself, again, as the solution.


Put a sign up and get a Nest camera. Catch the vandalism, report the person, profit. Yea I know it’s not the right format for that meme. Sue me.

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One thing we know about Trump voters is that they have an intellectual consistency. If Trump completely contradicts him old message, they won’t all flip on a dime and follow whatever new bullshit he’s selling.


Report him to who? The police will congratulate the guy.


Are you in a castle doctrine state?

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i had to google it and yes, but in response to your suggestion: no no no no no. i just told you i’m happy not getting into lawn sign wars. you want me to set up a deplorable trap and watch it all night? what kind of advice is that? that’s not friend advice. i expected, “yeah, fuck sign wars”

  • i engage in sign wars with straightforward Dem candidate signs
  • i engage in sign wars using affirmations of positive political beliefs
  • i engage in sign wars using satirical or sarcastic signage/flagage
  • i refuse to engage in sign wars because i fear social retribution from my neighbors
  • i refuse to engage in sign wars because i fear violent confrontation with my neighbors, or dangerous sabotage from strangers
  • i refuse to engage in sign wars because it makes the neighborhood look trashy and it’s 95%+ dems anyway
  • i refuse to engage in sign wars because it makes the neighborhood look trashy (but really deep down i fear retribution)

0 voters

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